(#ΔP+3® 19: What's Underneath...

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Rain. Rain. Rain. And lots of rain.

It was raining nonstop. The water from the sink has the color of the power balls and to the point that some of our neighbors who have drank it began to shovel up their very own lawns. Some even act like dogs. So for us to be safe, we just drank the remaining clear water we have inside our fridge. As I was walking around my house, the moonstone key around my neck began to glow and float in mid air. It started to choke me because somewhat it's trying to lead me somewhere. I began to walk around the house, trying to catch up with the key. When it already stopped, I realized that I was in front of my backyard's tree. "And what am I doing here?" I asked the key, as if it's gonna talk back to me.

The key glowed once again, and the only thing I did was sighed. I, as curious as I am right now, went inside the tree's hole. Nothing, I see nothing. Leaves and twigs and dirt and...stuff can be seen within it, nothing worth seeing can be seen. As my stomach was balancing on the edge of the hole, the key pulled me. Instead of falling onto the pile of nature, I fall much more deeper than that. Behind the stuff was a hole...a hole connecting to a very long tunnel which I was sliding on right now. Once I reached the bottom, I flew and hit my face on the dirt. I looked up and right before my eyes, is another Sorcerer ball. It's on top of a dirt...table thing. (To make things clear, Howard didn't find the power ball, but you) Should I message Randy? Well, I have to.

Getting my cellphone from my pocket, I began to text Randy.

Me: Yo Rands!

Randy: I know you miss me babe but, I am fighting Evil Julian so why not we talk later ok? Bye ;)

Did he just call me babe? And he did not just put a winking emoji at the end of his sentence.

Me: Randy, I am serious. -_-

At first, I didn't get a reply back so instead of standing here doing nothing, I called him through video call. From the other side of my screen, I can see Randy fighting Evil Julian together with Firsty. "Babe, I told you-"

"Will you stop calling me babe and call me by my real name?" I asked him with irritation in my tone. Firsty on the other hand, got Randy's cellphone and began to shout at me because of how much I am disturbing them. "If your calling is all about you finding the other power ba-?!" Before he gets to finish his yelling towards me, I directed my phones camera towards the power ball. Speechless, Firsty rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he started to apologize. From the screen, I can see Evil Julian looking at me...or at the power ball that was at my back...either. "Ninja!" Firsty called out Randy. "Go get that power ball, I'll handle this," With that, Randy came sprinting towards my house.

I told Randy that he should go inside my tree's hole (no dirty thoughts please) as he did what he was told. Hearing his shoutings while sliding down the tunnel tells me that he's really really really near me. In less than a second, Randy landed on top of me, HARD. Struggle to get out? HOW CAN I F*CKING STRUGGLE IF HE'S TOO HEAVY FOR ME TO EVEN MOVE?! "Will you please get off me you Cunning-butt!" As I shouted at him, he instantly got off of me and hugged me from behind. He started to snuggle his face at the back of my neck as he said. "Awww, you love me,"

Ok, what's this? Why am I blushing? No (y/n), don't fall for someone who had already broken you apart. Don't fall for his 'moves' and his 'sweet-talking'. Time to move on...but how can I do it when I am already beginning to fall in love again? My life is so complicated.

Soon, he let go of me. He went towards the power ball and took hold of it. His gaze went to my face as I can feel a smirk under his mask. "I think blush-ons should only be on your cheeks, not all over your face," My eyes widen as I began to wipe my face with my hands, hoping that my beet red face will turn back to it's normal color. He rolled his eyes in a happy way as we began to go up the tunnel . Once we're out, Randy told me that he needs me to accompany him on getting the other power ball he has. After taking off his mask, both of us went to his house.

We hurriedly went upstairs to his room and as soon as he got the power ball, Theresa suprisingly was just behind us. She started to fight us with her baton and since I don't like wasting time, I put my foot just in front of her and of she trips and rolls over inside Randy's closet. He locked the closet door, just in time for more 'zombies' to come in the room. We decided to go out through his window and once we landed on a bush, he put on his ninja mask and told me: "Stay here, they won't see you here," With that, he kissed me on my forehead and left me all paralyzed. Be Safe...

Underneath all my hate towards him, there will always be a teensy tiny part of me that still loves him.

After a mission failed, I just watched Firsty lecturing Randy while Randy was sitting on the windowsill, thinking about how he can correct his mistake. To the fact that once the mind-controlling thing was over, I was the one who let Theresa out of the closet and told her that we were playing hide n' seek and now she needs to go home. As I was just staring at the two, Howard came running in the room, telling us that he just heard something very very very frightening. (And yeah, you readers already know why) "Cunningham...YOU'RE MOVING!!!"

I know author-chan got the idea from the second to the last episode but don't worry, the next chapter will be a lot more different from the last episode of RC9GN...if you think I'll get my idea on that particular ep.
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