(#ΔP+3® 14: Pairing Up

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Aphrodite's POV
The Sorcerer had told me to guard McFist's office for any intruders like... I don't know who or what. Unexpectedly, a strand of my hair started to change to another color. Now I know who's the intruder... From my back, I slowly unsheathed my dagger a bit to get myself ready. Why are they even here anyways? My eyes darted at the new invention Viceroy built. Probably to destroy this piece of metal trash. Hmm... it wouldn't hurt to maybe turn it on and let it destroy the city first then second the ninja, right? With that, an evil grin spread across my lips as I pushed the button...

Reader-chan's POV
We're now here, on top of a building, a few meters away from the headquarters. Since I already gave back my mask to Randy, Haize let me borrowed her extra purple cloak she had eversince. Now I really look like the 'Purple Cloaked Girl'. Using stealth, we went inside McFist's office without any trouble at all... except to the fact that we can hear whispers near our hiding place. Haize gave me a bow and arrow, which is also identical to hers, as we get our stances ready and... FIRE!!!

Both of our arrows were cut in half and out of the shadows, we saw Randy and perhaps the other one is Firsty. "What are you two doing here?!" We all whispered in unison. "And wait, wait, wait. Which one of you two is Haize?" Firsty asked. I instantly raised my hand and whispered something to Haize. "I'll go talk with Firsty and maybe try to get him to believe you," We both winked at each other.

"Ok, so first things first, why are you boys here?" I asked, acting a little bit of Haize. The 2 boys said to us girls that they are gonna destroy the new invention that will 'surely' kill the ninja for good. "You know what, we should all pair up to find it instantly. I'll be with First Ninja while you two pair up," I said to Haize, who started to whine like me. "No buts (y/n)," I told her. After 'arguing', we all started to find the machine with our partners.

I looked at Firsty, don't know how long but I know he noticed it. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked.

"It's because I have eyes," I replied. He chuckled under his breath as he took my hand, kissed it, and wink at me. I rolled my eyes at him, get my hand away from him, and wiped it on his suit. "(Y/n) and I are not here to play games with you guys, we're actually here to find proof and evidence," I said to him. He was confused and decided to ask me what kind of evidence we needed to find. "Just enough for you to believe that Serah is your rivals' daughter," I can feel him frown under his mask. Now he starts to look away. "Why won't you believe me?"

He turned his head to me, his eyes closed. "Because your jealous..." Can I smack him real hard?

"Me? (Y/n)? Jealous of you and Serah? As if bro," His eyes widen on what I said as he started to shake me furiously. "You're (y/n)?!" He whisper-shouted at me. "The one and only," I said with a wink. "Then who is with Ra-"

"The real Haize, duh. We both decided to switch so that I can help her in making you believe in her. And also, I want to ask you something,"

"What is it?" I took a small notebook and a pencil from the pocket inside the cloak. "Can you give me a name of a place, 2 animals, 5 verbs, 1 internal organ, 4 parts of the face, 2 body parts, 3 objects, 1 adjective, a name of a person, and lastly a number?" He hums for a second as he started to give me his answers. "Is that good?" He asked.

"Totally," I said, trying to hide my laugh, which is a success. This is going to be fun, ahehehe.

A loud crash got our attention. Glass were shattering and roars were heard from outside the office. Everyone gather up at the now broken window as we saw a robot scorpion trashing the city. I felt something coming closer. It's aura very dark than black, soul filled with hatred. I turned around and grasped someone's wrist, dagger on it's hand. "Aphrodite? What the f*ck are you trying to do?!" I took hold of her dagger and kick her away from me. She stumbled a bit but still manage to stand up. "I can't believe that the people my master needed is just right in front of me, I told them it's just a piece of cake,"

"Yah, just as easy as to pin you down," I said. Using the teachings Haize taught me, I controlled the rope, which was lying on top of McFist's desk (weird), to pin Aphrodite to the ground, and it did. She kept on struggling to get free, but I think she'll be outta there like after... idk days. Muahahahahaha. The 2 guys looked at me with their eyes wide open, probably because of how I control the rope. "I'll tell you guys later but right now, we have a city to save!" Everyone nodded their heads as all of us ran towards the robot and began to attack it...

"Now *pants* that was *pants* tiring," I told them. I wiped my sweat using the back of my hand, though another batch of sweat came out from the spot I just wiped. All of us were tired and decided to stay at Randy's house, since my house is just across his. We're all back in our normal selves. No ninjas, no 'Purple Cloaked Girls'. Just regular us. "So (y/n), mind telling me why you asked me random questions then wrote it on a notebook?" A huge smile spread across my lips as I told him: "Well that's because I'm gonna use it in my weird story. You guys wanna hear?" The 3 nodded their heads as I started to tell them the story...

"So, why did you bring me here, at the ocean, this late?" the girl named Haize Hayashi said.

"What the f*ck (y/n)!" *gets shushed by the 2 boys*

"I brought you here because I wanted to tell you something. Eversince I first met you, wolves were climbing in my stomach. My brain keeps on beating, I can't help but backflip. Your ears jump like the stars in the sky. In my nose, your bellybutton is the most gorgeous thing I have ever smelled. Your hair smells like poop (my answer tho), a smell that I will always remember. Your head is as soft and smooth like bread. I like you on how you eat your problems. You are strong and beautiful like Chat Noir. Without you, I don't even know what's gonna happen in my life. And also, I bought you this," the guy named Firsty said as he gave the box that he was hiding behind his back.

Haize opened the box and inside was toilet paper. She kicked Firsty and said thanks. "You're welcome and... will you be my girlfirend?" In less than a second, she said yes as he smash his lips on her eyes.

Few years later... both of them got married in Tokyo, Japan, had 199 kids, and a dolphin that can speak as a pet. THE END!

After I told my weird story, Haize and Firsty looked at each other with blushes forming on their cheeks before they turned to me with glares. Randy, on the other hand, kept laughing his *ss off.

Oh yeah, I already have an IG account! Wieeee!!! You guys can follow me (I'll follow back): K.DimensionOutsider or k.dimensionoutsider
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DimOut to infinity and SMOKEBOMB!!!

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