(#ΔP+3® 30: Norrisville vs. Flackville pt. 7

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Now's the countdown...
10 more chapters to go...

7th day of trip (Saturday)
Great news! Serah decided to move to NHS and to the fact that she is one of us now. Also, she's not really friends with those 3 b*tches, but she's their very own personal maid. Heidi and my other friends were surprise by my news about us having another student by our side. And of course, let's not forget about some other more students from FHS who wants to transfer at our school. Isn't that great?

What are we doing now besides packing up for tomorrow, where we leave this place? Well, we breath, jk jk jk, we thought about swimming at the falls one more time this afternoon. Later night, a bonfire will be held and where there's bonfire, there's roasting marshmallows and scary story telling. Everyone can't wait for the bonfire!

Here we are, swimming at the falls, all relaxed and refreshed. "Man, I am gonna miss this place..." Serah said. "I agree with you," I replied. The boys were at the top of the falls, getting ready to jump. When they did, a huge wave of water hit us, getting us all soaked. "Hey!" They smiled nervously and rubbed the back of their necks. Talk about us girls are in the middle of getting to know Nami and what happened to her and Nomi when they're both hanging out together. We glared at the 4 guys and as a 'good' girlfriend to Randy, I dived in the lake and swim towards him before tackling him to the ground. ''Hey hey! Not my hair (y/n), not my hair! Gah! (Y/n), stahp!'' The others watched and laughed at our rough-housing. They seem to be enjoying themselves as if they're watching a movie.

''You done?" He asked me when I was sitting on his back. "Few more minutes,'' I replied with a smirk. Playfully rolling his eyes, he just waited for me to get off of him.

"Hey (y/n)!'' Nami called, I hummed in response. "Is that what a good gf should do to her bf?" She asked. "HELL YEAH!" She laughed it off together with the others as I just, as well, laughed with them. I got off of Randy and swim to them. "So what're we gonna do now?" My shoulders rose up, saying that 'I don't know'. "Hmmm..."

Hours later of thinking on what to do next...

"Ummm... does anyone know what time it is? Cuz I think we have been swimming for hours now," Howard said. From a far distance, I saw Flute Girl walking by with Stevens. I called for there attention as they spun their heads to my direction. "Would you guys mind on telling us what time it is?"

"Oh, it's already 4:30pm!" Flute Girl shouted so we can hear her, saliva coming out of her mouth. "Thanks!" With that, the two of them disappeared between the trees of the forest. "We better dry ourselves now, the bonfire is starting soon," I told the gang. They all nodded as we went towards the changing rooms.

8pm, Bonfire!

The sounds of marshmallows roasting and it's sweet aroma filled the atmosphere. Packs of marshmallows were piled up in a corner where people are free to take a small or huge number of it. We got 5 packets of it, and yes we're that hungry for marshmallows. We're CRAVING for it. As I bit into mine, Randy was trying to make me laugh so that I can either spit it out or choke to death. We are such a good couple, agree? Of course you do! XD.

P-Slimz said that story-telling will start in 9, meaning we have to wait an hour. It also means that we have time to chitchat and eat more marshmallows. The sky was now filled with twinkling stars. But where's the moon? Perhaps it's gonna come out later 9, when the story-telling begins. I admit, I get scared but it doesn't mean I am not gonna scare my bf first so no one will suspect me that I'm scared. Muahahahahahahahaha!

From my bag, I took a peek inside where I brought a puppet. Not just a puppet, it's a CHICKEN puppet! ''Umm (y/n), why are you snickering? Are you planning on something?'' Oh no, he suspected! ''No, and bruh, you do know I am a crazy person right? Laughing unexpectedly is one of my nature,'' After my explanation, he just nodded his head and continued roasting his marshmallow. Once he finished roasting it, he pointed the marshmallow in front of my mouth. ''C'mon, open your mouth. My arm's getting tired,'' He whined. I playfully rolled my eyes and eat it. Squeals from the people who saw the scenario were heard as my face became a blushing mess.

''Aww, (y/n) is blushing," Randy announced as I nudged his arm hard. He nervously smiles and laughs as he began to massage the bruise. ''Man, you're strong,'' He said in between whinces of pain. ''Thanks,'' I said, hitting the bruise. He slapped my arm and told me to stop hitting him cuz it hurts, and I just smiled at him. Ahehehehehe.

''Who are now ready for the scary story-telling? Whooo~" P-Slimz said, as he started to imitate a ghost. After he said that, many started to volunteer. Everybody took their turn in telling but the only scary story I liked is when he open the fridge and there was no food in there. Scary right? While someone is telling a story, I am getting the puppet ready to scare Randy. "And then," The teller started. "As the boy opened the door, a-?!"

"A CHICKEN FLEW OVER HIM AND ATE HIM ALIVE!" I cut the teller in midsentence and threw the puppet to Randy as he jump off his seat and ran away, screaming. Everyone was laughing as I took hold of the puppet that was lying on the ground. Randy, who was hiding behind a tree, got out of his hiding place, his face red with humiliation. The rest of the evening was great, now tomorrow is time to pack and go back home...

So now it's time to say goodbye to...to... Camp Something! XD. We said our goodbyes to Serah as she hopped on her bus. "See you at NHS?" I asked her through the open window. "You betcha!" She replied with a wink. Before we enter our bus, Debbie asked: "Where's Nomi and Nami?" I turn to look at her with a calm face. "They said they'll go early morning," She nodded her head in understanding. Phew... As we enter the bus, we went to our normal seating arrangement. I got out my bags of chips and ate some, sharing it to meh partner.

"What now?" Theresa asked me. "Idk, let's sleep!"

"Right back at yah!"

Still short, I know.
I also have the most lamest excuse on making this chapter short, I was playing Roblox XD.
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