(#ΔP+3® 37: Gem Collector pt. 1

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Author-chan promises a new chapter. Author-chan gives new chapter. 

(Before making this, I re-read the first book and some chapters of this book because I forgot some parts of the story. It was fun and I noticed myself fangirling a bit and commenting on my very own work XD)

3 more chapters to go...

Skye, Firsty, Mico, and I are inside the Nomicon. I texted Randy a while ago but he's not picking up so I guess he got somewhere to be...even though I told him it's urgent. 

"Oh yah... I remember the black book." Nomi said through written words on the ground. "Although, it's not in it's full form yet. In order for you to transform it back to it's original form, you must find the 9 Gems of a True Ninja. For now, we are still in the 1st chapter, though Firsty and Skye had the first gem." I looked at the 2 ninjas who had a confused look on their faces. "They had the first gem?" And there goes a drawing of a thumbs up on the ground. Skye and Firsty looked at each other before their eyes widen and instantly clutched their pockets. Both of them revealed a red gem. 

As a very curious girl, I asked them: "Like when did you guys get that?" None of them spoke. It was a complete silence. Until they told us that they didn't know. That it just suddenly appeared to them somewhere during the field trip. Well that was surprising. 

Both of the gems look like as if they are broken from one of their side. An idea popped in my head. "Can you guys join the gem pieces together cuz it seems like they are one yet separated," The guys looked at their gems and did have the same cracked edge. They both nodded and slowly began to put the pieces together (you know, for more drama effect XD). The gems touched as a blinding light took place. The pieces become one. Everyone was amazed and speechless.

I caught it when it started to slowly float down to the ground. Soon, another bright light flashed and wrote this words on the gem: War and Love. "What.....?" I asked in confusion. Just as I said that, a cloud of dust gathered above the gem and started playing...a memory. A memory of Skye and Firsty fighting then next is both of them being all good to each other after I ask them to tell the whole story. After that, next is my memory with Randy, Theresa, Heidi, Serah, Amara, and my family, fighting then all goody-two-shoes in the end. The cloud disappeared with the gust of wind when the memories are done playing. 

"It seems you unlocked the gem through using those characteristics of a true ninja," Nomi wrote. 

"What do you mean characteristics of a true ninja? What does war and love have to do with that?" I reacted a bit. It doesn't make sense (as for me). Soon enough, Nomi just wrote a very very very VERY long essay on why war and love is included. I didn't get to finish the whole essay since number one, it's too long and number two, I'm too lazeh to read. "Nomi, please calm down when it comes to giving me an explanation, just please calm down...CHILLAX BRUH!" The essay disappeared. Although, he wrote a derpy face with it's tongue out. At the bottom of the drawing, it said: "You're just jealous of my smartness," I replied with a roll of my eyes.

Nomi's message vanish into thin air and came out a map... to find the portal to the Land of Shadows. The moonstone on my key necklace began to scan the map then a straight line of light began to point the ground. I'm guessing this is where I'm gonna exit the Nomicon... "You might want to start collecting the other eight gems cuz time is running fast. Evil will reign again...NOW GO!" The ground separated and all of us fell into the deep abyss...


Together with Nomo, Nomi, Nami, Skye, Serah, Howard, and Firsty, we set foot to find the portal. I send another text to Randy but he still hasn't replied. What's up with him? I asked the others if they knew where Randy is. Nobody knows. It's not like him to not respond to any of my past messages for the past few hours. But that's not important now, we have gems to find and a portal to go through. 

We followed the light from my necklace. Crossed the street, almost getting hit by a van because on how focused we are on the light. Almost 'drown' for crossing a river. And almost fell off a cliff. An hour of nonstop walking had passed and here we are at the entrance of the cave. "Are you serious?" Howard reacted. "We're going in that dark creepy cave?" No matter what direction I place the key, the light still points the inside of the cave. Howard sighed in disappointment as he forced himself to go in. It's pitch black. The only light we can see was the one guiding us to where the portal is...til' it suddenly vanished.

"What?" I asked. "Don't tell me this key needs some batteries cuz I swear I will flip out," 

"Well, there is something called going ba- WAT DA JUICE?!" When Howard (most likely) turned his head to the entrance...it's gone. "HOW ARE WE GONNA GET OUT OF HERE?!"

"You can simply help by not panicking!" I spat at him and there was silence. Now that's better. Instead of going back, we continue our walk until we saw a tiny pint of light. The light was squeezing it's way out of the rocks. Everybody started removing them and there it is, the portal to the Land of Shadows. "So who wants to go first?" You want to know what surprising thing happened? They push me. They literally push me. Like, the f*ck.

My body landed something hard, but my head hit harder. One by one they come right out of the portal. I stood up and dust myself. "Now you know it's 'safe'," The others are too busy looking at the scenery to even hear me so I just...meh -_-. "Okay," I startled them. "Let's find those gems and save the world!" I shouted and jumped on a floating ground, the others following my example. 

We walked another 'mile' and believe me, the heat is unbearable. But of course, it's nothing compared to my hotness XD. I told everyone to take a break and Howard was so happy to hear that. Though as he slammed himself on the ground, it started to crack. To the point that he is at the edge! He didn't react that fast and the ground collapsed. Everybody hurriedly gathered around to help Howard who had his hands hanging on the edge for dear life. "HELP! I'm slipping! Guys! Help! I'm gonna dieeeeeeee!" He whined. His other hand let go and now everybody was holding on to him but he started to slip...

*Lets go*


(Pardon wrong grammars/spellings)

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