(#ΔP+3® 18: The Key

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Author-chan's POV
Besides Randy and Firsty chasing Evil Julian for the Sorcerer balls he has within his robot self, you and your other friends (including Heidi) decided to go to PJ McFlubbusters, obviously, to eat lunch. You thought to yourself: Wait, Randy and Heidi were a thing before right? Does she know that he's a ninja? Better ask her. "Hey Heidi," She hummed in reply. "Do you, by any chance, know who the ninja is?"

"Well, no. Wait, do you know who?" She asked after chewing and swallowing her food. "If I know, why would I ask you?" You replied. All she say was: "You have a point there," and off she continues to eat her food. All of you guys began to chat around from 'How's life' to 'Did you know that the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?'. To add things up, Randy and Firsty came running in the place. Their gazes went to your table as they went to you guys and sat down. Randy beside you and Firsty beside Haize. "I am sitting beside Haize right?" Firsty asked you, assuring himself because he doesn't want to repeat what happened a few weeks ago. In return, you nod your head and still continue to sip on your soda.

Randy, sitting in the middle between you and Howard, puts an arm around you while faking a yawn. As surprise and shock of his sudden actions, you jump up and landed on the floor, face first. Since you guys are all best friends and all, they first laughed at you before helping you get back up. Haaaaaaa, best friends. Beneath the table, you saw Firsty 'making a move' to Haize by slowly placing his hand above hers. As a very 'silly' girl you are, you shouted: "Haize! There's a spider on your hand!" Hearing that, Haize reacted fast by slapping her hand. Though what really shock her was she slapped Firsty's hand instead. Firsty held his 'reddening' hand and was blowing it to decrease the heat. "Ohmaygawd! I am so so so sorry, I- I didn't know... (y/n)!" She started to growl with rage nearly at the end of her sentence and all you could do was sit back quietly on the outside and laugh your *ss out in the inside.

"Will you guys excuse me, I'll just cool this off with cold water at the restroom," He said as he walk his way over the male's restroom (Reader-chan: duh). A wave of silence rush over you guys, though boredom struck you. You jumped up and down your seat, now placing your chin on top of the cushion. To your dismay, you saw a hole on it, few cotton coming out, though something very shiny made you all mesmerized by just looking at it. Since the others are too busy talking with each other, you decided to pull it out the cushion.

Reader-chan's POV

A black key with a real moonstone in the middle.

"Hey guys," I called out to them. "I found something," As I show them the key, all of them looked at it and said 'ooooooooh' in unison. "So where do you guys think this little fella belong?" All of them began to think and as I was still searching for some clues inside the cushion, Firsty came out of the restroom and sat back down next to Haize. He saw the key on top of the table and was about to grab it when it electrocuted him. Once again, he went to the bathroom to cool his hand off. Poor him. I wonder why it electrocuted him. Everybody else tried to touch it but they all end up getting electrocuted also...besides me. I took hold of the key and was now seeing something else. Base from what I am seeing, I am not in PJ's anymore...

The road. That was the first thing I saw. It's not just any other normal road you see everyday. It has cracks, huge and deep ones, enough for a person to be swallowed alive. The sky was dark red, clouds all black in color. And to the fact that it's raining. Lightnings came crashing down in every direction, thunder hurting my ears. Everything was a total mess. All building structures were destroyed, debris falling one by one. Transportations were either flipped upside-down or cut in to half. Is this what I think it is? Is this the one the Norisu N-SEVEN was talking about? Or was this something else?

As I was walking around the vicinity, I felt something. I kept looking at my back to see no one but there is just this presence that keeps on bothering me. Since I have enough of it, I yelled at whoever was out there. "YOU DO KNOW YOU CAN REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME RIGHT?" After I said that I turned around to see... Aphrodite. She's wounded and bruised. She walks all limp to me till she drops to the ground, coughing out blood. I quickly ran to her and asked. "Who did this to you?" Before she even answer my question, a dagger suddenly hits her straight to her heart. Now that's just great. Pulling out the dagger, I examined it but found no clue on who threw it. As I continue to examine it, I caught a glimpse of lightning reflecting on the blade, together with a silhouette. I turned my head to see the stranger sitting on top of a building, and was also checking out it's other dagger.

The silhouette was somewhat wearing a...cloak. My mind began to think of a person, a person I've known, but is she really the one who did this? Did Haize really killed Aphrodite? Questions ran in my mind, a lot of them. Before I know it, arrows began to shoot right at me. I left Aphrodite behind and came running for my life. Hiding was an option, but how long should I hide? Forever? If I have to. I turn to an alley but f*ck, it's a dead end. Turning around, I saw her...him...it?! Or whoever that was, already blocking my only exit. He/She/It was holding another dagger in his/her/it's hand, all stained in blood. He/She/It started to lunge towards me, all I did was closed my eyes and wait for the impact...

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" I shouted all of a sudden, alarming my friends. Randy began to calm me down by hugging me from behind. It relaxed me for a bit, but not enough. "What happened? What did you see?" Randy asked from behind, his tone all panicky while at the same time calm. I breathed for a little while before replying to his question and my thoughts were right about what will be their reactions be after I said it. "I think I just saw the end of the world..."

Yey! Back to 1100+ again cuz I am running out of ideas on what will happen next...besides the end of this book XD.
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