(#ΔP+3® 27: Norrisville vs. Flackville pt. 4

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Author-chan's POV
'Why... Why did you do this Sorcerer... Why did you killed our parents?' Firsty thought to himself. Here he was, staring at his parents' tombstones. He turned to look at his brothers who was looking at Skye who had his arms crossed, face away from their parents, while chewing a toothpick. 'Ugh, what's his problem again?' "Anything you want to say Skye?" He asked him. "When are we gonna go home now?" Skye asked. "Really Skye? Is that the only thing you can think of? Is the only thing you think of is yourself?!" The toothpick Skye was chewing broke into two when he took a hard bite on it. "Oh! So now you're calling me selfish?! Says the one who is!" Skye hit Firsty's nerve as Firsty punch him hard on his face that he fell to the ground and wiped the blood that is coming out of his mouth. Before he gets to punch him more, his brothers held him hard as Skye got up and left them without saying a word.

"Hmph! Says the one who's guilty!" Firsty spat, but Skye just went on with his walking until he reached the park. He sat on a bench and looked at the sky. 'You, brother, have been selfish.' He thought. 'Everyone adores you, while I am always behind your shadow. No matter how many great things I've done, people still look forward to you. Mom and dad looked up to you the most, they always tell me to be like you, to be successful as you, to change into someone like you.' He kicked a pebble that is beneath his foot in rage. "Why can't they be happy for me even just once?!" Without knowing that he shouted, someone said out of nowhere: "Hmm... anger and jealousy over his brother, yes?" He was shocked on the voice's saying. "Who are you?"

"That, my friend, doesn't matter. You want him to feel failure? Why don't you follow my command? But in return, you must give me something," The voice said. "What is this 'something' you are speaking off?" He asked the unknown person. "Perhaps, the Ninja Nomicon will do..." This made Skye think about it at first, though his answer is a yes. "Yes (Hawkmoth XD), But! I am gonna give it to you after I have done your plan and if your plan works,"

"Very well. Now let me explain it to you, your brother has this huge crush on a girl named Haize Hayashi. Kiss her in front of him, then he'll be crying home before you know it," With a smirk on his lips, the moon shone above him, half of his face revealed as he whispered and chuckle to himself. "Looks like I can smell failure around the corner..."

Months have passed, still, he hasn't broke his brother's heart. A painful event had happened, and you guys know it, Firsty's brothers died. Instead on wasting time on helping them, one of them who is still breathing told him to go get the Sorcerer, and he followed his order, leaving them to die. But to our surprise, someone managed to get back to his feet and off he goes to also get the Sorcerer. Firsty failed on getting the Sorcerer for he disappeared into thin air. He went back home where no one was there to greet him. Skye, however, manages to surprise him sooner or later, and that sooner or later is when Firsty is about to tell his true feelings to Haize. He kissed her in front of him while Firsty tries to figure out what's happening.

'I thought your dead...' He thought inside his mind. 'My most hated brother, kissing the girl I love the most...' Hurt, Firsty ran away from the horrible sight. 'And here he comes running to the forest, better go to my place then,' The voice said as she went to the woods first before Firsty does. And there she comforted the crying man. You guessed who the voice was, it's Serah Soren...

As the day was over, Skye was called by the unknown voice. "Did you bring the Nomicon?" He nodded. "Good. Now place it down and leave," He placed the book on the ground and off he go. Serah went out of the dark and picked up the book. She opened the book and what anger her is that the book is just filled with blank pages, except the first page which said: 'Like I am that stupid to just give the book filled with ancient ninja knowledge to our rivals' daughter?' Serah threw the 'useless' book away as Skye walked happily while whistling in the dark of night...

"Wait, why didn't you tell me this before?" Firsty asked Skye. "Bro (oh yesh, BRO!), we, your family, looked up to you too you know? Man, I still remember when mom and dad told me to become someone like you because we know you're hurt in the inside but you still manage to get up and face it. I have been looking up to you for as long as I can remember. Skye, you have been my role model eversince!"

"Then why are you irritated and annoyed at me long ago?" Skye asked with his arms crossed. "That's because you're stubborn at times," Firsty ruffled Skye's hair as he laughed a little. "Umm... I'm gonna leave you guys for personal space, ok? ok. See yah!" You instantly said in full speed and left them at peace.

As you went inside your cabin, the tour guide is there. He was holding a somewhat notepad with him. "Oh, Ms. (l/n)! While you were away, we managed to create a partnership with the two sides,"

"What partnership?" You asked with eyebrows furrowed. "Well, you have to be partners with someone from the other school and get along! Since you came late, I decided to partner you up with Ms. Soren. No buts. And have a nice day getting along with each other!" After saying that, he left the cabin. Your gaze turned towards Serah who was somewhat hiding under the sheets. You plopped down on her bed and said: "You heard what the man said," As Serah whines, you have no other choice but to drag her outside by pulling her leg. Good thing her bed was at the bottom. This is gonna be one heck of a long day...at least my senses are sensing that Skye and Firsty are already getting along. You thought inside your head as you still kept on dragging Serah out the cabin.

I am allowing you guys to ship Firsty and Skye XD AHAHAHAHAHA YAOI<3
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