(#ΔP+3® 22: Nomo...

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I was staring at ceiling. That's it. Nothing else. Random thoughts began to enter my mind till it reached Nomo. Hmm...I just realized, he doesn't seem to change like I mean, grow up. He still looks like the boy I let in my house years ago. He didn't grow a single centimeter, just a millimeter, I think. I thought about what happened a while ago when Skye accidentally trip over and splashed Nomo with strawberry juice. As a very thoughtful girl, I helped him clean up while the others cleaned up the mess on the living room floor.

At the bathroom, I was wiping his forehead with a wet towel and while I was doing that, I moved his strawberry juice soaked bangs and saw something at the side of his forehead. "Nomo?" I asked him as he hummed in reply. "Where did you get this?" He tilted his head in confusion. "This scar," I pointed the side of his forehead. "Where and when perhaps," He didn't answer. Not a single word was let go. He, instead, got the towel from my hand and told me he can clean himself up. With that, I just sighed and left. Is he hiding something or what?

Just then, another image popped in my head. It's now Mico. The day he told me to send his message to Nomi. Nomi...Nomicon...NoMICOn... OHHHHH, so that's where Nomi took Mico's name, ahahaha. But to the fact that Mico has the same wound on the side of his forehead like Nomo, and they do look alike...wait, are they like related or something? Like me and Haize? Yes, no, maybe, perhaps, I don't know. As I turned around, my eyes met some unfamiliar color of eyes. "Gah!" I shouted and fell off to the other side of my bed. Giggles were heard from within the room. When will ghosts stop surprising me like every night?

Getting up from the floor, I saw Mico sitting down on my mattress with a smile on his face. My eyes gaze at his blood and wound free forehead. "Well somebody is getting better already. Your forehead seems to heal fast, yes?" He nodded his head and said. "Yup, and don't you know that when you heal or tend to people's injuries, they heal fast?" Heal fast? Well, when I did take care of Randy, his fever only lasted a day. "How come?" I asked him. "Well, you are 'The Chosen One' right?" Wait, he knows too? "As 'The Chosen One', Nomi told me that he...or she has these 'magical healing hands' ever since birth. And to add things up, did you know that your parents tried killing you once?" Besides killing me in the inside? No.

"Well, there is a day when you were left alone one day cuz your family is busy of you know what and since killing you will end them up in prison, they placed a tiny staircase for you to crawl on to just beneath the rack filled with knives. As curious as you were back then, you took hold of the rack and pull it close to you...but then, you fell of the edge with it. The result is, you hit your back and head hard that you got paralyzed and to make matters worst, the knives got out from their rack and onto you. Two knives hit you, one at your side and one at your heart," Wow, and I'm still alive? I can't believe I am that hardcore. Wait, those are the same spots that Haize was stabbed by Serah...

"And once your parents got home, they went to your side to see your pulse and it's a miracle for you to be breathing. They actually waited 2 more days to see if you will survive that long, and you did, so you guys went to the doctor instead," So Mico has been my personal stalker ever since, that's nice to hear. But wow, I survived all that. All I can say to what he just told me is just: "Wow," Not the wow 'WOW', the 'so-much-amaze-'wow'-that-I-can't-seem-to-follow-the-tone-so-it-seems-boring-a-bit'. Before he continues, I told him to stay here at my room and...ZIP! Off I sprint towards Nomo's room and opened the door.

He's nowhere to be found.

I turned to look at my back and saw Mico standing there, giving me another heart attack. "Mico, you gave me a heart attack!" I reacted. "But to cut the chase, who are you for reals?" He looked at the empty mattress then at me as he sighed and look at the ground. "You know already," So he is... "You do know that Nomi misses you so much right? Why won't you surprise him tomorrow?" I asked him. "I don't know... I mean, did he forgive me already?" Nodding, he smiled a bit as I began to tell him the plan for tomorrow...

I'm so sorry for making this chapter very short cuz... someone told me this and until now, it's stuck in my head, repeating and repeating. It just hurts on how people get rid of your happiness...the happiness that let's you ignore the pain and hurt you have feel throughout the day and... oh yeah, SEE YAH NEXT CHAPTER :)
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