(#ΔP+3® 13: Destination: McFist Industries

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Very IMPORTANT question at the end of the chapter. It will affect the next chapter that will be posted the day after tomorrow, so better answer fast... if you want to that is.

Next day...
Haize and I decided to have a time-out with all those #LoveLifeProblems by going to the smoothie shop downtown. As we were sipping on our smoothies, the same brunette I kept on encountering here at the smoothie shop came by and sit beside me. "Oh hi there (y/n)! It's so nice to see you again!" She squealed and hugged me tightly. Her gaze went to Haize then back to me, then back to her again. "OMG! Are you guys twins or sisters perhaps?! You both look alike,"

"Ahehe, sorry, we're not. We just happen to look the same," Haize said in response. "Before I forget, my name's Aphrodite, Aphrodite McFist to be exact. What's yours?"

Haize's POV
She questioned me with a smile. Something about her seems suspicious... I better not tell her my real name first. "My name's Mary Anne Salazar, (A/N: Whattahp GenRex Reference!!!)" Unexpectedly, she frowns a bit then returned her smile back to where it was. She placed her hand in front of me as I shake it. "Why hello there Mary, well I better go, my order is already in my limo, bye!" As she said that, she waved her hand in goodbye and left. (Y/n) looked at me with a very confuse look on her face. "Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

"I don't trust her... When I shook her hand, I saw her aura, and it's much more darker than black," I told her, my tone getting lower than low. "It feels like... I know her while at the same time I don't,"...

Author-chan's POV
At McFist Headquarters...
McFist and Viceroy were just talking at his office. Simply talking talking, that's it. Out of the blue, the Sorcerer appeared in the kind of green tube, startling the two. "Have you two dingheads found Silent Glow?! Nor even destroy the ninja?!"

"Eh, not yet. We're actually finding a way to destroy the ninja but finding Silent Glow? We don't even know what she looks like," McFist said. "Well I do," A voice from a far said. From the corner of their eyes, they saw the brunette with her arms crossed and a smirk on. "At the smoothie shop a while ago, I manage to see 2 look alikes of the Silent Glow. So there is a possibility that she can be one of them," McFist clap his hands in joy as she hug Aphrodite. "Well done Aphrodite, now you two start finding those two and bring them both in front of me," the Sorcerer demanded. "If the other one, nor both of them, is not Haize Hayashi, kill her or them. No stranger must know my existence, besides my henchmen which means you two, and of course, Aphrodite will have a prize if one of them really is Haize Hayashi..." ...

At your house...
"So what are you trying to tell me Haize?" You asked her. Still scratching your head. "She really looks like someone... But us finding out who she is, is not our biggest problem,"

"Then what is it?"You asked again. Haize started to tell you everything that Firsty told her.You just stared at her, while at the same time listening attentively to what she is saying. "So you're telling me that we should be at Firsty's side because if we were at the dark side, the Sorcerer might force you to control the powers within the Eye of Eternities and use that to destroy the whole city or world?" She nodded her head, sighed, then lowered her head. "I literally don't know why Firsty is telling me that if he should be telling this to himself like bro, your gf is from the dark side, ever thought of that you are inches away from becoming evil?"

She grasp her hair and kept on speaking. "If he only believe me then I'm very sure that he's a million miles away from becoming one," You pat her back a few times to comfort her, but she pushes your hand away. "(Y/n), can you help me in finding more proofs so Firsty can believe me?" Without thinking, I agreed to her request and in just a few minutes, we thought of where we are gonna start... TO MCFIST INDUSTRIES!!!

Firsty's POV
Eyes closed. Resting on Randy's bed while I wait for him to finish taking a bath. As I wait for him, I remembered what Haize said to me a while ago. "But don't worry Firsty, I won't give up on making you believe in what Serah really is..." Haize... Your jealousy is getting out of control. And why would you even think about Serah being the daughter of my rivals? Oh yeah, cuz you're jealous. Out of nowhere, I saw Randy already drying his hair outside the bathroom with a pair of new clothes on. "Oh yeah Firsty, I got news for yah," I nod my head. "McFist is planning a new invention to destroy the ninja base on what my tiny speaker, that I hid within his office, said. Want to destroy it before it trashes Norrisville?" Again, I nod.

"Is there anything you can do besides nod your head?"

"Fine, I'll speak,"

"Good. Now suit up, we're going to McFist Industries,"...

Sorcerer's POV
Here at my chamber, my gaze is still focused on my rat, who has been riding a unicycle for I guess an hour now. All of a sudden, the place started to smell like scented candles. White mist began to come out of the pipes, and as they did, they were sucked instantly by the Eye of Eternities just above my head. The Eye glowed from glowing yellow to blinding white. The light fade away, the Eye sparkling very bright as if it has been covered by tons of glitter. "So she's just around the corner huh? I better tell McFist or maybe his stepdaughter to guard the vicinity,"

Before I get to contact McFist, another mist came out of the pipes. And it's no ordinary mist... it's grey with a mixture of black, white, and silver. The mist was also sucked by the Eye and then...an image was shown...

The Prophecy, has began...

Please answer (you don't have to answer all)
Give me...

•name of place
•2 animals
•5 verbs
•1 internal organ
•4 parts of the face
•2 body parts
•3 objects
•1 adjective
•name of a person (Boy/Girl/Unicorn/Justin Bieber/Any)
•and lastly, a number

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