(#ΔP+3® 3: Haize's Story pt. 3 + The Boy (XD)

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(Insert the 3 dream scenarios here from chapters' 26, 31, and 35) (still remember those?)
Next day...
''Are you serious Haize? Serah cannot be the daughter of the Sorcerer and Sorceress nor she can be evil. How many beers have you drink last night? 1? 2? 10? It's either you're drunk last night or...'' Before he finishes his sentence, he went near me and his lips was formed into a smirk. ''Or you're just jealous?'' I was blushing wildly that my face turned into a tomato but I shake the feeling off and said. ''I'm not drunk nor jealous, she literally told me last night!'' I shouted. He rolled his eyes at me, groaned, and rubbed his temples. Did he just? In not a joking form?

''Haize, will you quit creating stories about her? Your jealousy towards her is too much that I don't even know if I can still trust you about the stories you are gonna tell me anymore...'' I was shocked on what he said. I can hear myself crumble to tiny pieces. ''Please Haize, just leave us. We don't like people ruining our relationship,'' After that, he left me all alone. I didn't even bother to return back home but instead, I went to the forest.

The full moon's light seep through the tiny spaces of the leaves from the trees. Sounds of the grass being swept by my feet sounds so...calming. I stop by a huge space filled with grass and stones, trees still surrounding the place. My whole body crashed on the soft grass, tired of all that running. Breathings hard. Heartbeat fast. Legs all numb.

Never The Same (Sequel of Never Been Better, Randy Cunningham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now