(#ΔP+3® 26: Norrisville vs. Flackville pt. 3

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Laughs, laughter, and more laughter. That was heard when the vid was posted on ShoobTube. And the Devilles are irritated and annoyed as f*ck. But something tells me that the video made people look at me and Randy at the same time. I wonder what's the reason behind? Soon, people began to whisper amongst themselves as I just walk passed them like, I know I'm d*mn hot, no need to hide it. All eyes were on me at the second cafeteria cabin achuchuness , because we students and Devilles need to separate because they know that a food fight might happen, and as I sat down on my table with my 3 friends, they all had their eyes on me too. "Umm, why are people looking at me? Even you guys?" I asked them. "Is Randy the one who edited and upload the video?" I nodded my head. "So you didn't know what he just put at the end of the vid?" I nodded again. Wait, WHAT DID HE PUT IN THE VID?!

Heidi took out her phone, went to ShoobTube, and played the vid. "It's just a vid about the Devilles getting a raccoon attack, what does it have to do with me?" Debbie cut the vid near the end and OMG. There is something Randy put in the vid without letting me know. This is what he said at the end of the vid: Before I end this video, I want to say something to (y/n). I am so sorry about everything that had happened to the past starting when we were still kids until the time I lied to you. I wish you still have the heart to forgive me and be with me again. To the people watching, yes, we've been in a relationship before. So (y/n), I want you back. Randy signing out, peace! Squeals are now being heard from all around our table. I was confused at first when Theresa started pointing at something from my back. Turning around, I saw Randy with a bouquet of paper flowers with chocolates in the center of each one of it and a box without a lid with french fries and fried chickens inside of it.

"Will you forgive me?" He asked, handing out his gifts. "Hmmm..." I hummed. "What do you think guys? Should I? Or should I not?" At this, Randy began to sweat of nervousness on what the others have to say. After the silence, everybody said yes as a big smile was placed on his face. I playfully rolled my eyes and took hold of his gifts. "But, you have to..." I hurdle up everyone in the cafeteria to make sure that everyone hears what I am about to say when someone said: "FOOD FIGHT!!!" The Devilles came out of their hiding places and began throwing food. Soon, everybody began throwing food and hiding under the tables. From a far, I can see Jayna, Chloe, Zarina, and Serah laughing at the entrance. My eyes saw Randy hiding behind them with 3 buckets.

Want to know something funny? Randy dumped the first bucket on them which is filled with honey inside. The 4 screamed on how icky and gooey the honey was. Next, Randy dumped the second bucket on them and inside was spoiled milk. Do you know what's next? Glitter Bucket!!! The next thing I knew, Gangnam Style came playing as he danced away from them and then a rope from nowhere appeared as he took hold of it. Wrecking Ball played as he swing with the rope and onto the wall. "Ooooooh!" Everybody reacted. He put a thumbs up in the air as everybody continue to throw food. I went to Randy who was walking to me like he was drunk. "Now that was hilarious!" I said in between laughs.

Jayna, who was stomping her feet in rage, got a full pie near her and threw it to my direction. I ducked to dodge the attack, so it hit their principal. Busted once again! "ENOUGH!" Everybody turn their heads towards their soaking wet with pie principal and to our principal who was giving him napkins to wipe away some pie on his face. "WHO STARTED THIS?!" Their principal shouted. "And aren't you guys supposed to be on the other cabin?" Ohhhhhhhhh! He had his arms crossed as his students said their sorry and went back to the other cabin. As a punishment for the ones who started the food fight, which is the Devilles, they get to clean our cafeteria cabin the whole day or until they are done.

So what will we do while we clean? It's either we watch them clean or simply take an adventure around the woods. In other words, WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!! Asking what I'll be doing? Well, I am going to hangout with Randy and maybe ask him if he brought Nomi with him.

Randy took my hand as we ran towards his cabin and went inside. Howard, Skye, and Firsty are nowhere too be seen. "So, what now?" He asked me. My Gawd, you're the one who took me here and now you're asking me what now -_-. "Before anything else, did you brought Nomi with you?" I asked him. He nodded his head and took out the Nomicon from his satchel. "Hey Nomi, can you turn into your human form?" The book glowed red as Randy placed it on the ground, behind his bed, as he transformed into a human. "Why you need me in human form?"

"Because of this..." I took out Nami from my bag as I placed it down behind the bed I am sitting on. A (f/c) color glowed behind it and out came Nami. "Who she? And why do you have another look-alike of the Nomicon?" Randy asked. "Guys, this is Nami *Nami waves hi*, she was created by Haize. She was a gift to me after Haize's death,"

"So now you're already triplets?" Nomi asks. "She was created with both half of my soul and Haize's, so it's a yes," They both 'ohhhhhh' in amazement. "And maybe Nomi and Nami should take a time to know each other, right Randy?" I went near him and nudged his elbow, which made him flinch a bit, smile nervously, and nod his head a lot of times. As I push Randy out the door, we just decided to sit down under the shade of a tree and you know, cuddle :3

3rd day of trip (Tuesday)
After yesterday's getting to know each other, Nomi and Nami have been yet so close to each other. Is this the beginning of their ship that will never sink? Let's see...later after we check on Skye and Firstly XD. I haven't seen them anywhere. Are they at the falls or something? Let's check it out. My legs walked throughout the forest to go to the falls. Good thing there are signs saying I am going to the right way. Just as I was expecting, they're both swimming while fighting each other because of who knows what. I hid behind a rock and listened to their argument. "Oh! So now its my fault why Haize is dead?! Puh-lease! Its your fault why you didn't believe in her!" Spat Skye.

"If you didn't kissed her in front of me then I would've have chosen her in the first place!" Spat back Firsty as he began to take control of water. "Like you even got a chance with her?" (Meow-ch! Get the reference?) This question made him furious as he lunged the water he was bending to Skye, though he manage to block it with a so-called water shield he just bended. He then, after the water shield disappear, made a sword made out of hard solid ice. Firsty, too, did the same thing. Both lunged at each other and before anyone got hurt, I too created a water shield, making there swords melt in an instant.

"Like when will you two get along?" I asked them. "(Y/n)!!!" Both shouted in unison. "You should've have gotten hurt if you didn't block yourself with water. You! If you didn't just hit my nerve then none of this should have happened!" Yet again, they shouted at each other in unison. "Is there nothing in the world that can make you two get along?" They both glared at each other as lightnings began to connect both of their eyes. Oh bother.

"When did your rivalry first started? I know it's before Haize meeting both of you guys," Their heads turned away from each other as both of them spoke in unison: "Fine, we'll tell you. But you will speak to this to no one," I nodded in my head in agreement as they started to tell their story...

And cut!

Reader-chan: I know why you ended this chapter.

Author-chan: Really? Then why?

Reader-chan: It's because you still have no idea on what their backstory is.

Author-chan: Man, you're good at knowing stuff. But yeah, I am sure I'll be able to think of something. See yah next chapter!!!

Reader-chan: See yah!

Ladybug and Chat Noir: Wait, before you go... WELCOME TO THE FANDOM AUTHOR-CHAN!!!

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DimOut to infinity and SMOKEBOMB!!!​​​​​​​  

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