(#ΔP+3® 33: Secrets Unfold...well, some of them

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7 more chapters to go...

''But we've been doing the same thing for the past 2 weeks...'' 2 weeks?! What the juice! ''What?! So you're saying I am out for two weeks?! How's that even possible?!''

''Well, the first day we thought you're just really tired that you would sleep throughout the day, we didn't bother you and just let you sleep. But the next day, you didn't wake up. You were still breathing but a while ago, you stopped,'' At first, I didn't believe them. Though 2 weeks did passed because last time we're on the last week of a month, now it's somewhere the second week. ''Oh yeah, before I forget. Randy, your dad said 'hi','' Everyone was quiet for a minute before Randy spoke up. His words a bit stuttered. "Y-you met my d-dad?" I nodded my head. "But h-he's d-dead," I nodded again. "He talked to me through my dream...vision...whatever you called it," As Randy's face change from shock to sad, it eventually turn back into a calm one. A small smile was placed on his lips. "You okay Randy?"

He nodded his head. "Okay then, if you say so. And by the way, mind telling me what happened for the past few weeks ago?" As I said it, they all began to chatter about the things I missed like Howard and Debbie are already an official couple, also Nami and Nomi ( WIEEEEEEE ), Serah was already studying at NHS, and to the point that Amara and my family started visited me last week, just hearing that makes me hurl. While they're in the middle of telling more stories, the door opened. Oh f*ck... There stood my family and Amara with a surprise, more of a shock, look on their faces. "Daughter! (Y/n)!" They shouted, running towards me and suffocating me with their death hug. "We're so worried!" After they shouted once again in my ear, all of them noticed me running out of air so they let me go and let me breathe. "Oh really? You're worried? THEN WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME BEFORE AND NOW?!"

Everyone in the room have either shock or confuse looks on their faces, besides me, my face is rare, it only happens once in a blue moon XD. "Wh-what do you mean?" My mom asked. "Nomo knows, or in other words, Mico," Eyes were on the lil' kid who seems to act innocent once I told them he knows. "Mico, you don't need to act anymore, no secret was never untold," There was a moment of silence. Everyone must've been proven guilty for something I don't know. Their secrets must be bad or something. "Do you want me to tell them or yo-," Before I even get to finish my question, he instantly nods and hid behind Nomi. (I'm thinking of Mico being the son of Nami and Nomi, wouldn't that be sweet?)

"Did you know that this house is haunted?" Most of the people here were wide eyed, the others were just calmed because they already know that and yeah. "Well, Nomo here is a ghost, even Haize,"

"And what makes you think that they are ghosts?" My dad asked me. "I have cameras to prove it," Mico had a confuse look on his face. So he doesn't know about the cameras huh? "Whenever I go to sleep, the hidden cameras I have in each room were always open, and each camera has a file on my computer so I can play it the time I woke up," I rise up to my feet and walked over to my computer to open up the files. I clicked on the video that had the name: Ghost. There a few vids that are named like that with numbers. I clicked the first ghost vid and let them watch it, and the other ghost videos I have.

It took us a few hours to play it all because it's so slow at loading when we cut it to the part where there's a ghost. While they're too busy watching the vids, I took the chance to lock all exits. Why? Well, I was actually worried of Debbie and Heidi telling everyone about what's happening. I explained to them that no one will speak a single thing I was about to tell them. My eyes were on the two. "What?" They asked in unison. "Should I trust you guys? Will you vow not to tell anyone?" Still making eye contact with them. They seem to be hesitating on what they should say next. "Well?" I asked again with my arms crossed. Sighing, they surrendered their phones to me ,in case they video, and agreed. And that's where I start to tell the story, my FULL story from the beginning until today. And yes, EVERYTHING, well not everything tho.

And hey, they were actually pretty amazed on some parts of my life. I even told them about Haize. I was also trying to be careful on not trying to tell that the ninjas are Randy and Firsty, Nomi is a book of ninja knowledge, also Nami, and the messenger and the Norisu Nine thing thing. But me visiting a temple from the heavens above and the time dream land is something I have to tell them. "So Haize was kinda of like your past self that you turned human because both of you guys have powers then she died out of nowhere? Then Mico here is like a dead lil' brother to Nomi? And then you met Nami a week after her death?" I nodded. Hopefully I know that the other guys know the full story.

So after all that and shiz about the past and stuff, the others need to go home so they said their goodbyes. The only ones left were me, Amara, my parents, Nami, and Mico. "You two should go to sleep now," I was to mention Nami and Mico. Noticing that their eyes have been drooping. They both nodded their heads and went to their rooms, leaving me with these people who owe me big time for hurting me that much. "Aren't you guys gonna leave or something?" I asked them with a harsh tone on my voice. "Sis, no need to be harsh," Axel said as he was about to lay a hand on my shoulder but I slapped it away. "Don't touch me, I don't want to get infected by your germs,"

"I swear if you dare tell anyone about what I told you, I'll make you decide if you still want to see the daylight," Threatening them did the trick, though they 'promised' to go back here and maybe even try to get my trust in them back. But bro, I ain't falling for no trick. Though my real question is, should I trust them again no matter how much pain I've been through all these years?

Yeh, I know, I am not following my sched. No need to remind me.
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