(#ΔP+3® 16: The Vision

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On second thought, Haize decided to just show me the gift soon... the bad thing is that I don't know when that 'soon' is. But at least she's the one paying our order using my money she just found somewhere around my house. Smooth, very smooth. We both just eat our orders and chit chat all day long. Once we're done, we went back home and played with Nomo by asking him on which is which cuz we both look alike. We're such great people. Ahehehe. After he gives up, all of us three went to bed and slept...


Who? What? Where?


Who are you? Where am I?

*giggles a bit* Don't be afraid, follow me...

Umm... I can't see you. It's too foggy.

As I said that, a bright light was lighten up right before my eyes. Seven shadows were seen and as they were getting smaller, I realized that they are leaving me behind. I caught up with them in a hurry though at the end of my running, all I see was a temple identical to the one Firsty has been living in the Nomicon. The fog began to disappear. A beautiful scenario made me fall in love with the place.

The temple was on top of a very puffy cloud. The way to the entrance of the temple is made out of gravel surrounded with rainbow-colored stones. Golden fountains were filled with clear sparkling water. At the ends of the cloud, never ending waterfalls were falling. A tiny fish pond was under a red bridge which was connected to another temple, which was a bit smaller than the main temple. And lastly, footprints were seen, directing me to go inside the temple. I stopped in front of the big doors, still deciding whether to enter or not, though the doors opened by themselves. A sudden strong wind made me trip inside and wow, gold, gold, gold, and more gold filled the inside of the place.

"Wow..." I said all amazed about what I am seeing. All of a sudden, giggles were heard from a far. I tried finding the source where the sound was made and to shock me, a guy with a red cloak was behind me, smiling. "Umm... Can I help you sir? And I'm so sorry for breaking in, the doors, the wi-"

"Hush my child," He told me. "We brought you here for a reason. Please, follow me," He didn't let me reply and just turn his back towards me and began to walk away. As a 'very' obedient girl I am, I followed him. As we walk, we made it outside the temple, at it's back door. And believe me, the cloud is much more larger than what I saw earlier...for mountain ranges decorated the end of the fields. It's so grassy. The air is so refreshing. Though my relaxing moment didn't last long when the fields began to separate and a staircase to the bottom appeared...and it's filled with water. "Don't worry, you won't drown,"

He began to walk down the stairs with no trouble breathing. I gulp a huge amount of air as I followed behind. The stairs seems like forever that I couldn't hold onto my air much longer. Soon, I let out the air, bubbles forming. I started to panic but then I remember what he said that I won't drown. I processed his words in my mind and without second-guessing, I breathe in. This is so wonking bruce!!! I can breathe in water!!! The guy opened a door at the end of the stairs and it revealed an underground headquarters (And yes, there's no water on that part, only the staircase). And no, not like the headquarters you see in movies, this is way simpler.

The walls, floor, and ceiling were just dirt, chairs surrounding a big table, that's it... though the chairs and table were fancy af. Sitting on the chairs were 6 people with red cloaks identical to the guy I met earlier, that turned 7 after the guy I am following sat down too. "Please, take a seat, madam (y/n)," My eyes were searching for a chair to sit on but there was none like... who on earth would even invent an invisible chair? To be respectful to them, I force myself to sit on air when suddenly, the ground beneath my feet began to shake. A large plant started to grow within the crack as it formed into a chair. Green with gold and silver is the color and a symbol was formed... It's the Yin and Yang!!!

Never The Same (Sequel of Never Been Better, Randy Cunningham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now