Chapter 1 The show

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Author's note: A few words before you start reading, thank you for choosing to read this story! Thanks for being so supportive and I hope you have read the plot, which is a very big help. I'll leave the rest to you, enjoy...

Katrina's P.O.V.

The past few days have just been plain horrible, and when I mean horrible, I mean horrible in every way possible that may come to one's mind. The past 10 years I've been treated like a slave, my parents are drug addicts and they constantly abuse me.

"Get up down right this moment!" A yell from downstairs ran through my once peaceful ears, oh who am I kidding? I immediately yanked off the blanket that I made myself out of leaves and ran downstairs, my breathing rate quickened as I saw my mother holding another bottle.

"Where is the milk?!?!?" She screamed, "You were supposed to get it last night and you didn't even make my breakfast this morning!" She once again screamed, I but my lip to restrain myself from breaking into tears right there.

"I'm sorry momma, I'll go get it right now, please forgive me." I said rushing towards the door, but before I could get out, I felt a sharp pain hit my back. "You forgot didn't you, and instead, you went to bed last night!" She hissed into my ear.

Her nails dug into my flesh, drawing blood out. At moments like these, I wish Katy were here, I wish she could hold me and tell me everything would be alright. She's the reason I'm still here right now, her music saved my life numerous times and I owe her my life.

"I'm really sorry, I..." She cut me off with a slap across the face, then afterward, she kicked me in the stomach and threw me outside, locking the door. "Momma I don't have any money!" I cried, pounding the door with my bloody fists.

All I ever want is to be able to meet Katy, even if it's just for a second, it would be worth me ever living. I haven't smiled in more than 5 years, how could anyone smile in a situation like mine?

"What have I taught you, don't ever scream back at me you filthy slut!" And just like that, I was on the ground again. I slowly picked myself back up before breaking down, I really hate stealing, but I've stolen so many things in my life before that I can't even keep track.

I know Katy has a concert today near here, but since my mom won't even give me $2 to buy milk, she won't spend hundreds of dollars just to let me see the person she hates the most. I love Katy with my entire heart, and I know that one day, she will become an amazing mother to a very lucky child.

She would soothe all their nightmares, comfort them and kiss them goodnight. Just thinking of all this made me cry a billion times harder, my mother never did any of those things with me before. And she never will. I continued walking down the streets of Los Angeles hoping that some sort of miracle could happen, but my hopes are always too high, and I always get thrown in the dumps.

Katy's P.O.V.

"Even brighter than the moon moon moon!!" I cried into the microphone as the lights die down, lowering me downstage. I smiled as my firework dress was lifted off of my body, and all my earpieces were taken off.

Just then, I felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrap themselves around my petite waist. A huge smile found it's way to my face as another kiss was placed on my neck, "I'm so proud of you baby." My boyfriend John said.

I turned around in his arms and planted a deep and meaningful kiss on his lips, "I love you too John, and that won't ever change." He smiled and we kissed one last time before walking to my other crew members. "All hail the king and queen!" Johnny joked as John and I approached them.

"Oh shut up!" I said shoving his shoulders gently, "Alright let's go get some dinner, how about at In-N-Out?" I suggested as my eyes lit up, as much as I love Taco Bell, I also love junk food, just good in general. "Whatever makes my lady happy, makes me happy." John whispered into my ear.

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