Chapter 13: World War III

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Orlando's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but laugh as I swung Katy around in my arms, Robert really is a genius, but the 10 million dollars I paid him was definitely worth it, worth every penny spent. There is nothing that can undo this spell, it lasts until Katy dies. I've always loved Katy, I mean, who wouldn't love such a beauty?

She has the most flawless face I've ever seen in my entire life, the way her nose crinkles when she laughs, and the way her hips move when she walks makes me wanna claim her as mine.

And in a matter of days she will be mine, forever. She won't remember a thing about Russell, I will be her first, nothing about Robert, John or Katrina. And Flynn will finally have a mother, I love my boy and I will do anything to make him happy and complete.

I set her down gently onto the bed, "There's one more thing I need to tell you." She smiled and nodded, "We have a 3-year-old son named Flynn." Her eyes lit up, "I'm such a horrible mother, oh my goodness I forgot that I had a baby?!" She lifted up her dress to reveal her flat stomach, I had to bite myself to restrain myself from not touching her right there and then.

"You're very in shape sweetheart, I love you so much." I said putting my hands on her slender waist, "I love you too." I finally have Katy Perry within my reach, and just then, Flynn came running into the room. "Hey Flynn, look, it's mommy!" He's a smart boy, so I hoped that he would catch on quick enough.

He stared at her weirdly for a while before cracking a huge smile, that's my boy! I could tell that Katy's heart started to melt. Flynn was now currently in Katy's arms, this sight really amazed me. I was so busy trying to make the plan work that I never really saw Katy for who she really is. She's a beautiful woman on the outside for sure, but she has an even gentler heart on the inside.

She really is a wonderful mother, I can tell that Flynn and Katy already have an unbreakable bond. I'm determined to make the most out of it as possible, they're both mine, and no one's gonna ever take away either of them, the loves of my life.

"Are you hungry baby?" She asked bouncing him in her lap, I just continued watching her in awe. How could a human being be so perfect, it's almost impossible. "Do you want anything babe?" She asked as they headed towards the door. She just called me babe.

"No it's okay, I'm going to clean up this hotel and take you back to our house when you guys get back." She smiled and lead Flynn out the door, technically what I'm doing is illegal, but eh, I always get what I want in life. And they never get taken away from me.

Katy's P.O.V.

This really doesn't make any sense whatsoever, I somehow suddenly pass out then can't remember anything from my past but my name and family members? If I just hit my head or fainted, it shouldn't have erased my memory, but it's not like Orlando could have just made this up, could he have?

Well if I'm about to marry him, I should trust him. He obviously loves me, i can tell. Oh wait, my phone, I probably have loads of pictures of us together in my photo album. As Flynn and I waited for our food to arrive, I opened my albums and squinted my eyebrows.

Absolutely no photos of me and Orlando, maybe a couple like at some party or whatever. But there were a ton of photos of me and this other guy, he looked really handsome. My eyes widened when I saw a picture of us kissing on a beach, me and him, not me and Orlando.

About half of my photos were composed of this mystery guy and me, I have none of Flynn. This is so weird, I as a mother should have at least one image of my son in my photos, shouldn't I? I don't know what's more confusing, this entire thing or the fact that my food hasn't arrived yet.

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