Chapter 7: Jaty love?

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Katrina's P.O.V.

"Daddy..." I whined as we walked into the arena that mom will be performing in tonight, I don't know why, but I've been feeling so clingy to them recently. I'm not feeling that well either, it's just weird, I hate this feeling. He immediately stopped walking and picked me up.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and went limp in his arms as he continued carrying me, "I'm just really tired and I want mommy." I continued whining, but I'm pretty sure he just tuned the rest out since he started talking to Brad and a bunch of other people in funny costumes.

Mom left early this morning, so I haven't seen her for like 3 hours. "Alright Kat, let's go see if your mom is on her break right now so we can each lunch together alright?" I nodded eagerly as he set me down, we walked through a bunch of halls until we reached her dressing room.

Dad knocked a few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a very happy mom. "Hi mommy!" I squealed as she bent down to pick me up, "No don't kiss me, you're going to get lipstick all over my face." I said, but being Katy, she just kissed me a thousand times more.

I pouted my lips as she swung me around, "Aww baby don't be mad." She said in a baby voice while gently pinching my cheeks, "Great, now we have to clean your face..." Dad said taking me from mom, her entire face fell. "Wait, did you not clean her face this morning?" Mom said putting her hands on her hips.

"Um err...I cleaned your face, right Kat?" I giggled and shook my head, making mom raise an eyebrow. She slowly walked towards dad as he backed up, "You are such a bad daddy aren't you?" Mom said kissing his cheek as well, I covered my eyes and laughed.

"I am not a bad daddy, she's perfectly fine! She's dressed and..." I blushed when mom looked down at me, "Don't you think that'd be a pretty big problem if she weren't?" See, mom always has a point.

"Well honey, she is happy and that's all that matters isn't it?" I screamed when mom kissed dad, but I really should get used to it since they literally kiss every five minutes.

Katy's P.O.V.

"Now you've gotten to wash your face too." I smirked before picking up Kat and heading into the bathroom, "Alright baby, wow how many times did I kiss you?" I gasped, getting a full look at her face for the first time today. "A thousand."

It really can be surprising at how fast a child can change, just a few weeks ago Katrina was not talking and she was crying the entire time, but look at her now, throwing back jokes at me which are considerably mine. "Don't you think a thousand times is a bit too much?"

I grabbed a cloth and wet it under the sink before starting to scrub her face, every time the cloth touched her, her entire face would literally scrunch up! She's so adorable I just want to kiss her again, although I think I'm out of lipstick since I used so much on these two.

"Alright baby, you're all beautiful again." I paused when John walked into the bathroom, "Yeah not that babe, come here." I said towards John, but he just leant against the threshold and smirked at me. I sighed and walked over, grabbing his ear and dragging him over to the sink.

"We have gotten to get a tally record of how many times I've had to do that to you." I joked before scrubbing his face, but the next thing I knew, his hands were firmly gripped around my waist and I started coughing.

Guess what, it turns out that he threw us into the bathtub, which is surprisingly full of water? I screamed when my head bobbed back out, I looked over at John, who was clutching his stomach from laughing too hard. "You are such a dick!" I said slapping his shoulder.

"Now my makeup is ruined and my clothes are wet!" He pulled me close to him despite me trying to force myself again, and again, as much as I really want to be mad at him, I couldn't. These moments like these only happen every here and then, now that we're both so busy.

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