Chapter 15: Kale or bail

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Shannon's P.O.V.

I arrived at that hotel and quickly ran inside, I searched frantically for Katy until I spotted her sitting in one of the sofas crying. My heart grew heavy as I witnessed this scene, she must be going through so much right now. This only made me feel guiltier, I hope she can forgive me. I took a deep breath and towards her, praying to God that everything would be okay.

"Um Katy?" She flinched slightly before looking up at me, almost in a confused way. "I don't mean this in an offensive way, but do I know you?" Wow, she hates me so much that she's pretending to not know me, but something is telling me he's telling the truth, because there was some serious confusion on her face.

Now it was my turn to be confused, how could she not remember me? "I'm Shannon, your best friend ever since we became famous?" I said, almost hurt. "I'm sorry, I just found out that I was being played, I can't remember anything. I'm really sorry." What, can't remember anything? "What do you mean by anything?" I asked weirdly, she better not say what I think she's about to say.

She started crying, I didn't know whether to hug her or to not do anything about it. But both were extremely awkward to be honest, they really were. "Orlando sprayed a love potion on me but it didn't work, but it made me forget everything about my past except for my pop star status."

No freaking way, "Even John and Katrina?" She nodded, hugging herself. I shut my eyes and tried to process what the hell just happened, I'm going to fucking kill that man. As if Katy's life wasn't already destroyed enough, he had to spray her with a love potion?

"You don't remember anything about John?" That suddenly explains by John got so drunk! It's because of this reason as well, he must have figured it out. Geez, can life throw more curveballs at you in one day? I sighed and looked back at Katy, "Katy, come with me, I'll bring you back to everyone and you can meet John okay?" How was I supposed to explain the whole Katrina situation to her?

"Wait Shannon, I'm scared. I won't be able to love a stranger, no matter how deeply in love we may have been, but he's a stranger to me right now." My eye starts twitching, so apparently life can get a whole lot worse. "It's okay, we just need to get you cleaned up okay?" She nodded as we walked out of the hotel together, "You remember about your career and crew members right?" She nodded, thank God.

Just as we got onto the limo, my phone rang. I squinted my eyes, it was from Tamra, odd:

S: Hello?

T: I need you to drop whatever it is that you're doing and come to the hospital immediately.

S: Why hospital?

T: John got stabbed in the stomach with a rusty knife, and it went all the way through his back!

My phone slipped out of my hand and fell onto the ground, I sat there paralyzed. No no no no no, John can't die! To make things worse, the car suddenly stopped and Katy's head slammed into the door, creating a loud noise then silence. "No not both of them at the same time!" I screamed trying to wake her up, tears streamed down my eyes as the limo started moving again, towards the hospital.

"Katy please, no..." I sobbed as I lurched onto my best friend, she couldn't leave the world like this, her duty wasn't finished. Everyone would be so heartbroken, but then again she only hit her her head on the door, so I know she'll be fine but still can't help but worry! The entire ride, my mind was filled with nothing. With Jaty both down at the same time for two completely different reasons, knowing it's partially my fault, it felt like I was being stabbed slowly. It felt like dying.

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later and paramedics rushed towards is. One of them had to forcefully pull me aside so they could get to Katy. I watched as they strapped her onto a gurney, my heart slowly being torn to pieces. "Tamra!" I cried, throwing myself into her arms. I cried so hard that my entire body was shaking.

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