Chapter 4: Final

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Katy's P.O.V.

I honestly cannot believe that Kat has never been in a mall before, never been shopping, that was like stabbing me with a knife! Well, we're about to change that for sure! I held onto her hand as we walked into the first store, Gap.

So to sum up a couple of hours, I bought Kat 12 dresses, 12 tops, 8 jeans/leggings and pants. Finally, 5 pairs of shoes and some undies as well. John and I decided to buy her furniture later, or we'll just order them all online, which would save quite some time since I have to catch a plane to Tokyo for the next concert.

Kat and I sat down at one of the tables while John went to go order some food for us, Kat is happily playing with her ponies right now. I propped my head up with my elbows and watched her, the way she would smile, the way she would do everything just brings a smile to my face.

"Hey hun." I snapped back to reality as John placed some Thai food in front of us, "Oh look Kat, kung pao chicken!" She smiled as I scooped some of each for her, "This is delicious babe, thanks." I said kissing John, "Anything for my girls." I quickly looked over at Kat, who immediately had a smile on her face.

I blushed as we continued eating, "Kat, you've gotten to feed Twilight!" John exclaimed, oh that reminds me, I may have boughten one of her those sorts of toys. Where you have to feed them actual food, clean and wash them.

Yeah, when you have two people persuading you and one of them is an adult that's into ponies, you can't really say no. And both of them are the people I love more than anything else right now, so I honestly had no choice. And now, I'm regretting it so much, so much!

"Kat sweetheart no, you've gotten to eat that!" I said taking away her juice box and instead, placing the straw inside of her mouth, shocking her being so sudden. "But Katy, Twilight is hungry!" I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat, "Yeah babe, so is Pinkie Pie." John said smiling real big.

"Well yeah, so is your girlfriend and future daughter!" I joked back, snatching the drinks out of his hand and placing them in my own mouth. "Kat, be a good girl and eat your food alright?" She nodded and shoved a big spoonful of noodles into her mouth, almost choking.

"Alright I think we're done here." I said picking her up and placing her onto my hip, John helped me clean up the table and together, we walked back into the the shops. "Kate, when are you headed towards Tokyo again?" John asked, placing a hand on my lower back as we were paying for some more clothing.

"I think I have to be there in a week, so we've gotten some time to ourselves, and to get things settled." I said, looking at Kat, who was still paying way too much attention to her pony than to care where she was going.

He looked sadly at me before nodding, I knew he couldn't come with me this time to Tokyo, because he himself had to do a few films here in LA. And I don't know what to do with Kat, maybe I should leave her here with John, it's probably the safest thing to do at this moment.

I quickly picked Kat up when we headed towards the entrance doors, also known as the exit doors where the paparazzi waited to try and kill us. Kat immediately buried her head into my chest as I held one hand over her back protectively, if anyone tried to hurt her, they'd have to go through me first.

John also kept me close to his side whenever we were around the paparazzi, I have had quite some stories and encounters with them, ugly and nasty ones. "We're almost at the car honey, you're doing great." We're going to the adoption center right now to fill out the forms and report her parents for child abuse.

No one should treat my baby like this, they're going to pay for what they did. I sat in the backseat with Kat this time, and John had to honk his horn around five thousand times before we were finally on the road.

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