Chapter 34: The aftershockkkkkkkkk

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Katy's P.O.V.

It was now 3 am, and I'm just sitting on my hotel bed with a blunt face. John was doing the same, except he was sitting on the couch across from me, we weren't making eye contact. But we both were thinking the same thing, we failed as parents.

There was a ton of yelling and screaming, and thumping every few seconds in the room next door, Tamra's room. You could hear her yelling at everyone, I don't understand why she's so pissed, I'm supposed to be pissed. I guess that I'm just too shocked to do anything physically about it.

The door swung open to reveal a very exhausted looking Shannon Woodward, I guess my emotions are just all over the place right now because when she opened her arms, I immediately ran into them and started bawling my eyes out. "Shh Katy it's okay, they're doing everything they can right now to try and find the crash site and if anyone's still alive alright?" She cooed.

"My daughter, after all I've been through, she's just gone now. I know life as a celebrity is hard and all, but this is just ridiculous. I don't regret starting a family, but sometimes, I honestly just wish I never did. Maybe at most just dating, Hollywood families don't ever last. You see Beyonce and Jay Z all happy with Blue, but they're in the process of getting a fucking divorce. The only reason that kept them together for such a long time was their daughter, and all the pressure from their fans added together, no one wanted to see their favorite couple break up."

"Katy, don't say that, they're not going to get a divorce. You need to know that Bianca is a really strong girl, and honestly, Tamra's room is to the point where it's about to explode. I don't even know what they're arguing about, but as soon as I heard the news, I had to see how you were coping." She said stroking my hair.

Just then, my phone started ringing, it was from Ariana. I quickly took a few deep breaths and answered:

K: Hey Ari

A: Oh my goodness Kate are you okay? Did you hear the news though? How are you feeling sweetheart?

K: Thanks, I don't know to be honest. I've never had something that meant so much to be be taken away like this. I hope she made it, I can only hope. But thanks for calling, it means a lot to me babe.

A: No problem sugar, just call me if anything changes alright?

K: Okay Ari, thanks, bye.

"What am I gonna do, I can't survive without my daughter? She's the person that keeps me going at all times, even if I'm mad at her. Now that she's gone, how am I supposed to continue breathing air when she's not?" I cried, beginning to sob uncontrollably.

"Don't stress too much over this, maybe she didn't die, maybe she found a way to survive. She coached the highest level of swimming for three whole years, so I'm pretty sure that she can find a way to survive this. And plus, she reacts really fast to her surroundings."

I let out a really weak laugh, "Maybe you should adopt her Shannon, you know her so much better than me. I'm serious, you've always wanted a kid, since you basically raised Bianca, and she hates me. You should adopt her, if she's found alive."

"I'm not adopting your daughter, I already adopted two kids. A boy and a girl, the boy is 16 years old and the girl is 12, not that bad of a difference, this way when Jack goes off to college, I'll still have little Hanna to hang out with me." I gasped.

"You adopted children?" She smiled and nodded, "Although since I got promoted into a new movie and TV series, they have to spend a lot of time with their nanny that I trust completely. It was Bianca for a while..." My eyes widened, "No wonder she hates me, I don't know a fucking thing about my own daughter!" I said, face-palming myself.

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