Chapter 2: Streets of L.A.

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Katy's P.O.V.

I reached the girl and she stopped running and stared at me with big brown teary eyes, I immediately fell in love with her, I couldn't let any harm come to her. "Katy, please don't let them hurt me..." She sobbed as I took her into my arms, leaning my body over her, hoping to shield away all her fears.

The two figures stopped running as I stared at them with cold, harsh eyes. One of them was a female and the other was a man, they looked like her parents, but how could anyone harm such a delicate little girl like her?

"Back away from our daughter, you have no rights to be touching her!" The man spat, but before I could say anything, "Hey, don't talk to my girlfriend like that! You obviously don't know why you're dealing with." Came John's voice as his arm wrapped around me.

"Hey baby everything's going to be alright okay? They can't hurt you anymore, I won't allow that." She nodded as I looked up to face the two after handing her to John, but he still kept a firm grip on my waist the entire time.

"Have you been hurting her?" I asked squinting my eyebrows, "Alright so you're Katy Perry and John Mayer, big deal! I could become a celebrity if I wanted to, you think you're something but honestly, you're nothing but a motherfucker."

I quickly extended an arm out, blocking John from attacking right there and then. "You can call me whatever you want, but it won't change a thing here okay? How could you hurt such a sweet girl like her, are you her parents?" I asked rudely.

"Yeah, who the hell are you bitch?" I bit my lip and I think I might have to put a thousand cold packs on my arm when I get home tonight since it's sore from holding John back for so long.

"I will be taking her away from you two, I'm not going to stand here and continue watching you two abuse her. Look at how skinny she is, she's really underweight for her age, don't you guys have feelings? If you want her back, you better show it to me." And with that, I turned around and took the little girl in my arms.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" I asked gently, hoping not to frighten her as John gripped my waist tightly. "Katrina." He flagged down a taxi and he climbed in ahead, but Katrina didn't look like she completely trusted me yet.

"Honey, why were they chasing you?" I asked, bending down to meet her eye-level. She started crying again, so I took her into my arms. "It's okay baby, let it out..."

Katrina's P.O.V.

When Katy took me into her arms, I couldn't help but let out another rush of tears. Just in a matter of seconds, I felt so attracted to her, I dare say that I love her already. I've been with my parents for 10 years, never, ever have I once felt like this with any of them.

I never thought that I would even meet my idol, yet here I am, in her arms. Funny how life can change so quickly, her voice was so soothing, I never wanted her to stop talking, I'm in love with her voice.

I want to open up to her, but I'm scared, she after all is a stranger to me. But she saved me along with her boyfriend, when I was running down those streets about to die of fear and pain, it was her that found me, so why shouldn't I tell her everything?

I basically owe her my life, but right when I opened my mouth to speak, "Come on honey, let's go to my house, I'll get you cleaned up there. Oh my goodness you must be so hungry, do you like Taco Bell?" I nodded slowly, I really do love her.

But where am I going to go after this, it's not like the world pop star Katy Perry is going to take me in permanently right? She wouldn't, her career is more important than some girl she found on the streets of LA.

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