Chapter 10: Guilt

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John's P.O.V.

Why the fuck isn't she answering her phone? And neither is Shannon, I've thought about just leaving Kat with Katy's crew members and go search for them, but I couldn't do that to Kat, she's still a child and she doesn't exactly trust them that well yet.

Just as I finally won the battle with myself and decided to take Kat up, the door opened, making me jump slightly, now waking Kat up for sure. I furrowed my eyebrows when I realized that Shannon was in tears.

"It's okay Kat, it's just Shannon, I'll be outside if you need anything okay baby?" She slowly nodded and fell back into the pillow, into a deep slumber. I grabbed Shan's arm and lead her into the hallway. "What's wrong, where's Katy? Wait, why are you crying?" I asked all at once, which was probably not very helpful at the time.

She was now crying hysterically, making me more than just worried now. What if Katy was hurt? Oh my goodness she probably is hurt! "We had a fight and...I just left without her." What, these two never fight, not once in a million years! How on earth could I have missed this?

"Why did you guys fight?" I tried to calm her down, but she only got worse by the second. "I can't tell you John I'm so sorry, I promised Katy not to tell you." Now Katy's keeping a secret from me? "Okay but is she okay, is she hurt? Was the fight serious?"

She sighed and finally looked at me in the eye, "She's okay, she's not hurt, she's just staying at another hotel for the night but she'll be back in the morning. We just can't stand to see each other right now." Oh my goodness, how life can change so quickly.

"Give me the hotel address, I need to go see her." I said pulling out my phone, but she stopped me. "No, she needs to be alone, I can promise you that she's not hurt. She's 28 years old, she's not young anymore, and she's gotten like 100 million dollars on her anyways."

How the fuck can she just say that? "Shannon give me the damn address, I know you guys are fighting but I need to make sure that she's okay!" I said, a bit annoyed now. "For the last time no, she's fine! She'll return when she wants to, heck I'm leaving Australia tomorrow! I stopped filming Raising Hope to get myself tangled in this mess, if she returns, tell her to never try and speak to me again, we're no longer friends."

My jaw fell open when she said those words, what the hell happened between these two? "Shannon, you are not going anywhere until you give me that address!" I yelled, Katy could be seriously hurt right now, who the hell knows if she's even in a hotel!

"NO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" She screamed before grabbing her bags and rushing towards the door, but I was way quicker. "Fine, then can you at least tell me what happened to make you guys this mad at each other?" I said, tears were circling her eyes.

I knew that she wanted to tell me, but I don't know what Katy did to her to make her not open up. "Please Shannon, I need to now, she's my fiance and I'm worried sick right now." I begged, "I'm really sorry, I can't get in the middle of you guys as a couple another time."

Wait, what? Her eyes widened double the size when she realized what just happened, my jaw dropped. "Is she...calling off the wedding or something?" I asked, not believing those words even dared to come out of my mouth.

No, Katy loves me, she wouldn't want to be with anyone else except me. "I don't know, I shouldn't have said anything. She'll come back, I know she will, but I still can't tell you. Good luck." And with that, she left. My head started spinning, my vision started to blur.

I fell onto the ground still shocked, is that really what Shannon means? Is Katy ending this, but why? I don't recall doing anything that might have hurt her, in any way? Or do I just not know?

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