Chapter 19: Fairytale fantasy

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Katrina's P.O.V.

"Your dad is here." Tamra said, opening the door to mom's dressing room, where I'd been sitting for the past 2 hours. She's always so busy now, I haven't seen her all day long, I'm literally starving to death yet I can't find any food at all. I know she's busy, but that's no excuse.

But I soon forgot all about that, I jumped off of the couch and ran past her. I continued running down the halls when I suddenly bumped into something, more like someone and fell straight to the ground.

I looked up and screamed, "DADDY!!!!" He immediately picked me up and swung me around. I missed him so much, I missed him so, so much. "I'm so sorry Katrina, that must have hurt so badly." He said inspecting me face, but I giggled and threw my arms around him again.

He's my daddy, and I love him so much, I'm never letting him out of my sight ever again.

Katy's P.O.V.

"KATY PERRY!!" Shannon screamed as she darted to grab a towel, I on the other hand was currently choking to death after hearing that John was here in the arena. "Okay next time Tamra, when she's drinking or eating something, don't say anything!" Shan said.

I finally calmed down and stared at her for a few moments before running to the door and pressing my ear against it, I heard Kat's voice, "You're my daddy forever, I love you so much." Tears streamed down my eyes as I quickly locked the door.

I started crying, "Who let him in?" I couldn't deal with him right now, and the fact that Katrina just told him that he loves her made me a but jealous. She never said I love you to me, it's just so not fair! "Katy, think about Katrina, she deserves a life with both you and John in it." Shannon said rubbing my shoulder, "She loves him, she doesn't love me, why should i?" I seriously sounded like a 5-year old who is about to get a time-out. Although I act like one most the time anyways.

"That's because she spends most her time with him, don't feel bad. You're always busy and you know kids, they tend to bond with the people they hang out more...and in this case, that's John." I wiped away my tears and heard a groan from Todd, whoops, forgot that I had makeup on. I forced myself up and out the door, except that I forgot he was standing right there.

Oh shit, standing right in front me, was John Mayer. Everyone's mouth dropped open, I wanted to turn and run away, but my feet were glued to the ground. The desperate look in his eyes, it made me think twice. But I vowed to myself that I wouldn't get hurt again, and I'm not a promise breaker. "Katrina come here..." I said, but when she was hesitating, my eyes turned into fire.

Fear crept into her eyes as she immediately ran over to me, I grabbed her shoulders and whispered, "Let's go, you can say with me today." I silently thanked her for not fighting, this was so hard for both of us, but this was for the better. "Katy wait, let me explain!" He yelled, but I didn't care, I ducked my head down and walked into my dressing room along with Kat.

"Katy, the reason I'm still alive is because my ex-girlfriend poured her blood down my throat. And if I don't get another chance with you, I will per mantelet love her!" That made me freeze, but he was locked outside of my room. That made me mad, as much as I hate him, it still isn't pleasant to hear him loving another woman. And the thought of drinking blood is just disgusting.

"Yeah right, like i'm gonna believe another one of your stories. You know that I won't love you again, so stop making up these stories and just get lost." I spat rudely before turning to Katrina, who I could tell was holding back tears. I sighed and sat down next to her, completely tuning out John. I know that Kat didn't want me near her right now, but I still need to talk to her.

"I know you probably hate me now, I know I'm being selfish and not thinking about you, and I'm sorry for not being with you all the time now. But I promise you that once my your is done, I will spend every single second with you baby." She didn't look at me, my own daughter won't talk to me. "You're really hurting dad, you obviously don't love you." She spat harshly.

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