Chapter 26: Mommy xx

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Author's note: So before you start reading, I want to explain what the new cover symbolizes. See how there is a picture of Katy and John's head in a white cloud of some sort above "Earth"? Well, since Katy and John both died at least once, they have been put into heaven (which is what the white clouds represent).

Furthermore, Katy is still up there watching over her family. The look on her face, well, I'll leave that part to you loves :) xx

Bianca's P.O.V.

The stabbing pain in my heart ended, but the scar will never disappear. I couldn't watch my mom sacrifice herself for me the first time, thank God I couldn't because I don't know how I'd handle that.

Watching the mother that loves you so much die right in front of you because she was trying to protect you, that feeling is indescribable. I may not have grown up beside her, but I love her more than words could describe. And now, I will never see her again.

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was dad, in tears? I think this is the first time I've actually seen him full out crying. He immediately rushed towards me and held me in his arms, he was shaking so badly. "You're okay, what happened in there?" He asked, sniffing.

I couldn't bring myself to tell dad that he had just lost his girl, because I just lost my mom. I won't grow up with a mother, even if dad does marry another woman, I won't ever love love her as much as I love Katy. In fact, I won't ever love that woman.

She thinks she can replace Katy, she will never replace her even after I die. "Shh baby it's okay, I'm here now." He whispered, stroking my hair gently. "But mommy isn't anymore, I don't have a mommy anymore..." I cried. He rubbed my back.

I looked up at Katrina, she looked so mad right now. "You killed my mother again you little bitch, ugh I hope you go to hell!" She screamed before storming out of the room, dad didn't even look up. Great, now I lost my sister as well. All the girls in my life are now gone.

How am I going to survive through my teenage years without my mother by my side? Just then, a nurse rushed into the room and tapped something on the monitor. "Okay sweetheart, I need you to take a deep breath. I know a lot has happened but your heart is still very fragile right now."

I couldn't, I just couldn't. My mom really isn't here with me anymore, "Bianca..." She warned, I finally calmed down after what felt like hours. And once all the nurses and doctors left, it was only daddy and I. He stroked the bangs off of my forehead and planted a kiss there.

He pulled a crumpled piece of paper and looked at me, "Bianca, this is a note that your mom wrote to you when you were still in her tummy, in case something were to happen during birth. I wasn't supposed to give it to you until you're a teenager, but you can read and you're a smart girl, so here."

He handed me the paper and I very carefully opened it and read:

Sweet Bianca,

I'm writing this letter to you as a means of saying farewell, I've discovered that you might have some difficulties during birth and that I most likely will not make it. But I will do whatever it takes to make sure you survive, and if you're reading this letter, then that means I have done my job.

Honey, I love you so much. Even though we will never meet, I will always be watching you. I regret not being able to make any memories with you first before I leave you, but I hope that one day when you're older, that you will still remember me. I want you to follow your dreams, whatever they may be. I want you to be happy and free, even without me.

You're my life and you would have no clue how many pounds I lost after writing this letter, tear pounds. I want you to grow up to be a beautiful young girl, listen and obey your father. Respect and love him, don't trouble him baby. No matter where I am, no matter where you are, you will always be my sweetheart that I will never forget.

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