Chapter 29: I really do

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Katy, as much as I just want to hug you forever, but you can't leave John there alone. He is no matter what happens the father to your child, Bianca. And if you truly love her, then you would want her to live a healthy life, with both her mom and dad in her life."

Shannon has been snapping at me for the past hour as we sat on the waiting chairs in the hospital, waiting for the results to see if they revived her completely. She wasn't completely wrong, although I just didn't like the fact that she was snapping at me.

"Shannon for the last time, he fucking made a promise to me then broke it! Saying it's been 8 years, and it's time to move on. Oh what did I mean to him? And Bianca is perfectly fine growing up with just me, she doesn't need a father in her life to make her feel complete."

"Katy..." She warned, but I continued. "He had sex with her, and he thinks I can't see anything? I know I shouldn't care, I should be mad at Abby, because she's the one that caused this entire thing. Making him sneak out of his own house to go see her, then crash the night there and do stupid things."

I was silenced with a hand over my mouth, "The one day I don't bring chill pills, Katy, you need to know that both John and I have been through a lot to raise Bianca into who she is today. He's made a lot of sacrifices for his daughter, you may not know, but I was there every single step of her life."

Is she supposed to make me feel bad by saying that, well it certainly is working! "What do you expect me to do, just forgive him? Pst, yeah cause like that's going to happen anytime soon."

She sighed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "When you died, both times, John tried committing suicide. He had already swallowed quite the number of pills when I entered into his room and slapped the rest away from him, he soon fell unconscious and stayed that way for a whole week because the pills were so strong."

"He tried killing himself because I died?" She nodded sadly, wow. "But why would he just move on like that, this doesn't make sense on any level right now." I said burying my head into my palms, "Hey, life doesn't make any sense either, so just do Bianca and me a favor, go sort this out with him, please Kate."

I sighed and nodded, swirling my hand and disappearing back into the abandoned place. When I appeared, I saw John sitting against a tree huddled up into a tight bun like thing. My soft side quickly kicked in as I made a blanket and wrapped it around him.

His head shot up, with a clearly confused expression. "Katy, please don't hurt me again." He sounded like he had been crying, I kneeled down and cupped his face in my hands. "I'm so sorry..." I pressed my forehead against his and started crying.

He wrapped both arms around me and pulled me close to him, maybe Shannon wasn't wrong, she never is wrong. "I hurt you John, I'll never forgive myself for doing that." I said rubbing my hand over his wounds gently, surely enough, there was blood streaking down his head.

He grabbed my hand and smashed his lips onto mine, without hesitation, I deepened the kiss. The one thing I realized about people now, is that they tend to describe their feelings and emotions through kissing.

I rolled on top of him as he placed both hands on my waist, I haven't felt his touch in like forever, this was me being reborn. He flipped us over so he had me pinned onto the ground, I ran my hand through his messed up hair as he left a trail of hickies down my neck, his love marks, claiming me as his.

"John..." I muttered when he touched me, my breathing couldn't keep up, this felt too good to be real. He kissed me one last time before I completely threw myself onto him, sitting up in his lap and pressing my body against his. As much as I wanted to continue this, I knew I couldn't.

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