Chapter 11: Australia to LA

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John's P.O.V.

I could feel blood rushing up to my brain, I began to feel light-headed as I read the note over and over again. Someone had kidnapped my daughter, and without any of us noticing? I have to say that the kidnapper must be pretty skilled, how many kids have they kidnapped in their life?

I'm never going to let Katy go alone to wherever, but judging from the looks of her facial expression, I would think that she knew what he was talking about. "Katy..." I whispered, taking her in my arms.

She buried her head against my chest and sighed, "I know what you're going to say John, and I know what he wants, and I know him well enough that he always gets what he wants, because he knows a lot of my secrets." Who the fuck is this he??

"Who is this he person?" I asked, tightening my arms around her waist, she was so fragile, and I knew this is a decision that she had to make. Of course there would be ways of me stopping her, but it's either lose her and get Kat, or lose Kat and get Katy. Wow this guy is good at threatening, how on Earth was I supposed to chose?

She looked up at me with teary, bloodshot eyes before replying, "Robert, he was my first boyfriend...and I um, lost my virginity to him at 16-years-old." Katy suddenly screamed, and that's when I realized that I had literally dug my nails into her back and when I removed my hands, there was blood in my fingernails.

My jaw dropped, oh my goodness I just hurt her! "Oh my goodness Katy I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I asked quickly catching her as her knees began to weaken, she slowly nodded. What the hell, why is life always falling apart?

It was so perfect just a matter of days ago, Katy and I would always be with each other along with our beautiful daughter Kat. Now look at the disaster life has turned into, Kat got kidnapped and Katy is in serious danger, and I just physically hurt her!

"How um long were you guys together? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..." She shook her head and finally brought herself to look at me, "It's okay, you need to know this." I need to know this, oh dear...

I knew this really hurt her, because her entire body was trembling right now, and she hasn't even started talking. I did my best to try and comfort her, but it wasn't really working. I gently ran my hand down her long, cascading waves of raven colored hair as she finally opened her mouth to speak.

"I fell in love with Robert when I was 15, and since he was my first love, I really treasure him you know? He was so sweet to me, he would always be there for me. And I thought that I had a future with him, and I wanted to prove to him that I really did love him, so I gave up my virginity to him a year after we started like dating. He was so happy, and so was I, and that's when I thought that life couldn't get any better. But I was wrong, when I was 18 years old, I..."

She burst out into tears, the thought of another man touching my future wife-to-be made me sick to the stomach. It kind of made me jealous in a way I guess, how Katy lost her virginity to another guy that ended up breaking her heart.

"Kate really, it's okay." I whispered, kissing her tender neck. Seeing the woman I love more than anything in the world go through this much pain really makes me hate myself. Even though there was nothing I could have done, since I didn't know her then, but I still feel bad.

"No, I later found out that he had been cheating on me, and he had gotten another female pregnant." She was now crying hysterically, what the fuck? Why does everyone always hurt Katy, first Robert and then Russell? How many times is she going to go through this kind of trauma?

I didn't know what to do, I never knew about this, and I wasn't sure how I needed to react, to make it appropriate. But Katy needs me right now, and I can't back out, I need to help her. So I started forming a little speech in my mind:

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