Chapter 36: Helicopters and hospitals

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Katy's P.O.V.

"No, Bianca is alive, my maternal instincts are feeling it already!" I screamed at my pilot, who was trying to turn us back home. We've been on this helicopter for the past 5 hours and to be honest, I felt like puking already. "She's right, let's just search for a few more hours, then we'll take a break." John said placing his hand on my thigh, something that always soothes me.

I smiled at him before leaning over and giving him a small peck on the lips, it's been forever since we've had any alone time together. "Approaching somewhat of an island in 50 miles." My eyes widened as I shot out of my seat, "She must be on that island, let's check it out!"

"John, what if we do find her on that island, what's going to happen? We all know after what we've been through, that we're never going to be the family we were years ago." I said sadly as he held me on his lap, with his arms tightly around my waist.

"No matter how damaged our relationship is with each other, she is still our daughter and we will love her unconditionally. No matter what babe, even if she grows up to hate us for giving her all this pain, she'll forgive us one day, it's all just a matter of time now." He comforted.

"I guess you're right, let's just hope this all goes well." We arrived very soon and John and I slid down one of those rope things you slide down from helicopters, it's pretty cool to be honest, considering the fact that I've never been on one of those.

The island was absolutely breaktaking, there were coconut trees and the sand look very fine. "BIANCA???" I yelled, causing a few birds to fly out from the forest in front of us, there is no way to hell am I entering that forest. "Bianca, where are you?" I yelled another time, no answer.

Bianca's P.O.V.

I took a huge breath of air when Squeaky finally brought me to the surface of the water, wherever on earth we are right now. "Wow...this is so beautiful!" I said, climbing out of the water and onto the rocky pavement. "You brought me to a cave, why didn't you tell me about this place sooner?"

"Well all that kelp smacking my face was definitely worth it, oh and one more thing, I'm kind of hungry now." Squeaky squeaked and swam away, is that gold? Did I really discover gold during the 21st century, no freaking way! This is actually better than living in a mansion with actual humans, instead of dolphins.

I continued roaming around the caves when I heard a familiar squeak, "Oh thank you Squeaky, delicious." Wet seaweed tastes horrible, but if it's the only thing you've gotten to live off of, you won't be whining, no matter how disgusting it is, trust me on that one.

I suddenly felt a wave of sadness sweep over me, I suddenly miss my parents so much. So freaking much, I have this thing where when I'm around them, I can't learn to appreciate them. But when I actually lose them, that's when I realize how important they are to me.

Well, I guess everyone is like that in a weird way then. "Hey Squeaky, I really just want to rest, can we come back here maybe another day? I just have a weird feeling that something's going on on our island, can you take us back, please?" I asked.

Squeaky nodded and I slid back into the salty water, it is really killing my skin, which is a big problem. But honestly, I'm nothing now, no one even knows that I'm alive, which is kind of sad. And I have terrible cravings, I just want a chocolate mint bar for crying out loud!

Once we made it back to the island, I gasped. "Squeaks look, footprints on our island!" My forehead started sweating as my heart started beating rapidly, there are intruders that could pose as a threat to me on this island. "I'm so scared, but I gotta check it out."

Squeaky made a loud squeaking noise and soon enough, at least 10 dolphins showed up. Some even pushed themselves onto the sand with me, "Hey, just remember that whatever happens, thank you for saving me and caring for me as if I were your own."

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