Chapter 17: A heavy heart

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Shannon's P.O.V.

I buried my head into my palms as I listened to Katy cry, then every once in awhile, scream and throw something across the room. She needed some serious help, she's falling into that death trap again. She may not be at it yet, but we all know that she's headed towards there. "Katy please let me in, I want to help you." I said for the billionth time that night.

As I expected, no answer. "Fine, you're leaving me no choice." I yelled before unlocking the door and swinging it open. Katy was sitting on her bed, ice cream covering her entire body. "Hand over the ice cream or you're gonna gain like a billion pounds!" She attempted to bite me when I reached for her, I really don't know who she is anymore. This isn't my best friend.

"Get out! I never gave you permission to come in here!" She yelled, slapping my hand away. "You didn't, but I did! You can't do this to yourself again, you went through it once, and I don't want to see you go through it another time!" I screamed, finally snatching the ice cream out of her hands. She fell off the bed trying to grab it.

"I lost everything Shannon, I lost two men that I thought were my everything, then I practically lost my daughter! What have you lost to know the pain I'm going through?" I immediately fell quiet, tears formed in my eyes. She thinks that she's going through hell and I'm not? At least she can have kids, I can't! At least she's been married once, but I'm not even dating!

I want a family more than anything in the world, but I can't have one. She didn't soften one bit, she just scoffed. "So now you're quiet." Now I was raging with fire, "I can't have kids." I said sadly. "You know that I want a baby more than words could describe, but I found out a year ago that I can't get pregnant."

Well this surely softened her, "Katy, you're not the only one going through something. You should really treasure Katrina, I don't have anyone I can treasure, be thankful for that." I whispered before heading towards the door, if that didn't do the trick, then I really don't know what else to do.

"Wait Shan..." I silently smiled, if it means I have to hurt myself to save her, I'll gladly do it. I turned around and saw her walking towards me, "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked silently, "Because you were so happy back then, you and John were really hitting it off and I couldn't find the heart to break that happiness since you had just recovered." She sighed and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry, but don't worry, Katrina is your daughter as well." I gasped a bit before breaking the hug and looking into her teary eyes, "Katrina?" Is she gonna get her back? She nodded, "You're right about her, if fate decided to throw us together, might as well just make the most out of it." I laughed a little, I can't believe I actually saved her this time, I actually did it!

"How are we going to find her?" I asked confused, "I miss John so much, he passed away knowing that I cheated on him and that I hate him." I shook my head, "He knew about the love potion, Bradford apparently is very smart. He cracked the code that you were under a love potion."

"But being your fiance or whatever he was at that time, he got really mad and made some really stupid decisions. Then I let him go see Robert on his own, If only I had gone with him! I mean, you would have been fine for another few minutes in the hotel that night."

I fell to the ground crying, what was I thinking? To let John go all by himself, sure I may not have been a big help, but at least he wouldn't have died! Katy must hate me so much right now, I hate myself! "Don't do this to yourself, I don't blame you, you were only trying to protect me." Katy said a sweet voice.

"I know you're mad at me, don't even try to hide it. You need to go find your daughter, she's your daughter!" I cried.

Katy's P.O.V.

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