Chapter 40: Say something, darling

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Katy's P.O.V.

"WHY THE HELL IS BIANCA WITH MIRANDA RIGHT NOW, HEADING TO LONDON TO STAY WITH DEMI??" I screamed after John showed me the video, "She doesn't know what she just got herself into, great, now we have to clean this up for her and it's going to be ugly!"

I tried calling Demi, but just like I thought, she didn't pick up. "Fuck this." John said, throwing his phone onto the couch. "I never knew she could sing!" I sighed after taking another look at the video, "Katy..." John said nervously, I turned to where he was pointing and my eyes widened, there were at least 200 paparazzi outside the house.

"Quick close the windows!" I screamed as the two of us dashed to shut all the windows and curtains. After that, I grabbed John's shirt. "What are we gonna do about this? This is insane what was she thinking?" He put a hand on my waist to steady me.

"I for once have no idea, I can't believe she would do this. Run away to London with two pop stars without letting us know, and Demi's not answering her phone? Even Beyonce wouldn't dare to cause such a scene with the paparazzi." He said rubbing his temples.

"You know what, I'm going to try calling Bianca again. Even if she doesn't answer, she can't hide from us forever, Demi's not going to watch her for the rest of her life. Even if she does, we'll stalk her down." I grabbed my phone and dialed Bianca's number, making sure to cover up my number, I cleared my voice and pretended to act like a fan of myself:

B: Hello, who is this?

K: Hi, I was wondering if this is Katy's number?

B: Katy as in...

K: Katy Perry?

B: No, this isn't her number. How did you even get this number though?

K: Oh, I follow her on Instagram and I saw a number that someone claimed was hers, so I called it hoping that it's Katy!

B: Well too bad, because it's not her.

K: Oh okay, well I'm sorry for bothering you. But may I please ask who this is?

B: This is Bianca, Katy Perry's daughter.

K: Oh my goodness, you're BIANCA? I'm such a huge fan of you and your mom, speaking of you and your mom, what's going on between you two?

B: I don't even know you, why would I tell my personal stuff?

K: I'm sorry if I seem like I'm intruding, but I saw this video of you singing in LAX in front of the paparazzi? What happened there?

B: No it's okay, I'm just a little stressed out right now.

K: I'm 16, your age, do you wanna talk about it? I promise I won't tell anything you told me to anyone. I just wanna help you feel better.

B: Aww thank you, what's your name?

K: Ashley.

B: That's a really nice name.

K: Thanks, yours is like the prettiest.

B: Thanks Ashley, anyways, I guess I'm just a bit confused right now. My parents and I just finally got along again after going through the worst things possible, but I just feel like I'm not their daughter since they never tell me anything.

K: Well everyone does have their own secrets right?

B: My sister Katrina committed suicide in front of my mom and she didn't do anything about it, she didn't even tell me. She knows how much I love my sister, even though we're not close at all.

My eyes widened, she found out about Katrina's death? That's why she ran away, because she thought we were keeping secrets from her? We were fucking trying to protect her! We didn't want her to get hurt!

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