Chapter 35: Saying goodbye

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John's P.O.V.

I caused quite the scene at the airport and by the end, Katy had literally dragged me out of the airport. While Russell's bodyguards dragged him away from me, there's no way to hell he's ever seeing my girl ever again, if she's my girl.

What happened to our past? What happened to the John Mayer and Katy Perry that wrote Who you Love, My face to call home, Unconditionally? How happy the two of us were back then, how I saved her from committing suicide. I know she's grateful, we're just both really bad at showing our emotions.

Every day, I would spend at least half the day just spending time with the love of my life. We would just stroll down the streets of LA, get ice cream and make mustaches and make fun of each other. We were the cutest and most hilarious, and stupid couple known at that time.

Everyone saw that we had a future together, even Katy and I. I knew that I wanted Katy by my side forever, I wanted to start a family with her, I wanted her to be the mother of my children. Because I loved her, you know that feeling when you love someone so much that you can't express it in any other way but to cry?

Well, that's what I did every time I saw her eating sushi, she's just so adorable! But now suddenly, it's like all that love just suddenly disappeared after she left the world and suddenly came back. I had just adjusted to having no Katy in this world then all of a sudden she pops right back.

Then it's just endless wars or arguments about us and Bianca, I so wish that I could find a way to repair all this, but I don't know how. I just want Katy and I to be normal again, but I know from all the makeup covered pores on my body that it's not going to happen.

I might as well just give up, but something tells me to not give up, I don't know what though. Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts when Katy grabbed my hand and dragged me to a corner of an alley, how on earth did we get here? Where's the rest of the people?

"Shhh, before you ask anything, there's something that I just really need to tell you. I know you hate me right now, and that you'll only hate me more after I tell you this." She start biting her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks, I was shocked at what she said.

"You think I hate you? Goodness Katy I can't even stop loving you, I don't have the time to hate you because all that time I've been trying to think of ways to mend our relationship, but there hasn't been a single one that's worked so far!" I said, combing my fingers through my brown hair.

That's when I started crying, "I know we're both celebrities but sometimes I just feel like I'm losing you Kate, I know that that night where Shannon stormed away from the hotel it's because of you and Orlando. But I told myself that you'd realize and come back to me, and you did. You're so famous and beautiful, and I'm not. I always feel so unstable, like I think your mine but I also don't."

There were tears rushing down both our cheeks by this point, usually I'm not the emotional one. But Katy is the only person in the world besides Bianca who can get me this emotional, like ever. Because I really do care about them, I really do.

"I just want you in my arms again, I just want us to go back to the way we used to a long time ago. Where did that couple go? What replaced them with the now us? It's been too long since we've ever just looked each other in the eye for even a few seconds, too long Katy."

Katy's P.O.V.

I can't believe I've been wrong about him all this time, he wants to mend this relationship as badly as I do. How could I have been so blind? Will life ever just give me a break? I'm so sick and tired of this life, I just want my daughter and my original life with John back.

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