Chapter 39: Paparazzi trouble

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Bianca's P.O.V.

"Aren't you the girl that broke my shoulder? I could have died!" He yelled as I still tried to process everything, my parents knew about this yet they didn't tell me? I'm her sister, she's the only sibling I've gotten even though we're technically not related.

"I can't believe my parents never told me about this." I said sadly walking away, I'm not going to talk to them. Oh who am I kidding, I have to go back. Wait, no I don't! Shannon has Demi's number and I'm going to ask her for it, Demi's on a tour right now in London, I'll just fly there and live with her.

Sounds like a really stupid, idiotic plan I know. But I'm planning on it, so I pulled out my phone and dialed Shannon's number. Well it's midnight, and she's really stupid at night time, so she'll probably just give it to me, hopefully she'll forget about this in the morning:

S: What do you want little Katy?

B: First of all I'm not little Katy, I have a name and it's Bianca. And second of all, I need Demi Lovato's phone number, just give it to me now and you can go back to sleep without further ado.

S: Why?

B: Because her new eyeshadow palette just came out and I want to know how she designed it, duh!

S: You woke me up for this, ugh I can't believe you. Just hang up and I'll send it to you, you're so fucking annoying.

I smiled as seconds later, her number was sent to my phone. In London, it should be around noon to afternoon, and she doesn't do concerts until night time, so we're good.

D: Hello who is this?

I can't believe I'm actually talking to one of the hottest pop stars in the world right now, I love her so much I literally started freaking out. Her voice is so angelic, it almost made me forget about the situation about Katrina and my idiotic parents.

B: Hey Demi, this is Alana Mayer.

D: Oh hey sweetie, you have such a beautiful voice!

B: Thanks, I know you're in like London right now, but is it okay if I stay with you for a few days? Something happened back here with my family and I don't want to stay with my parents for a while.

D: I would love that, but don't you think that your mom and dad might get worried if you leave without telling them baby girl?

B: I don't care, they didn't even tell me that my sister Katrina died. Katrina asked mom to raise her baby boy, then she committed suicide right in front of mom and then just days later, they threw the boy into a foster home! I had to find out by sneaking into UCLA!

D: Oh alright then, do you want me to send someone to take you to the airport in LAX? I have a few friends who work in the university of LA.

B: Thank you so much Demi, I've always loved you. You're like my favorite singer, well, mom used to be but after all these things I'm starting to doubt myself.

D: Okay, I've already texted my friend and they should be there within five minutes. And thanks! Being a celebrity's child is really hard, but Bianca sweetheart, you need to learn how to accept it, because if you don't, you're literally gonna die. If you don't get used to this life, fame will be the death of you, trust me on that one.

B: Um thanks? Anyways, did I interrupt anything?

D: No of course not babe, we're taking a break from rehearsal, we're staying in London for another week so I could take you on a tour here! It'll be so much fun, hanging out with you!

B: Me, I'm supposed to be the one who says that! You're Demi Lovato, and I'm about to meet you for the first time in my life! Lol I should be the happy one here not you!

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