Chapter 24: My angel

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Author's note: Thanks for being so patient wotkaty .Thanks for always sticking to my side, love you sis theresaj8706 

Katy's P.O.V.

The two of us just continued staring at each other, no words exchanged. Until he finally made the first move by slowly approaching me, I don't know whether I should be mad at him or I should just throw myself onto him, he's probably in a relationship right now.

"Katy?" He asked, finally approaching me. God, help me breathe because I can't right now. Literally, I can't breathe right now. I mentally slapped myself for doing what I just did, I started crying and threw myself onto him. But he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me, which is definitely a good sign.

"You have no clue what I was like after you passed away." He said, oh my goodness he's crying! I think the reason he's crying is because I was digging my nails into his back, but I didn't release. "I missed you so much." I finally managed to squeak out.

We continued to hold each other and cry like maniacs for another few minutes, I felt like I lost it. When we pulled away, John immediately grabbed the both sides of my face and smashed his lips against mine. A wave of shock and butterflies exploded inside of me.

I haven't felt this for a century and I wasn't sure I was ever gonna feel it again, I moaned into his lips as I wrapped both arms around his neck, pushing my body against his, craving his. And soon enough, he had me pinned underneath him on the couch.

That's when I realized what the hell was happening here, he has a fucking girlfriend and yet he's still about to take advantage of me. But I was enjoying this moment so much that I couldn't force myself to do anything about it, but my correct senses still took over as I shoved him off.

"Go do that to your girlfriend." I muttered, giving him a death stare as he sat up from the ground. The most confused look spread over his face when I said that, oh don't do that on me sweet boy.

"I don't have a girlfriend..." He began, but I soon cut him off. "John, I may be technically dead but that doesn't mean I don't know what's going on in Earth, that day when I saved Bianca. You were supposed to watch her, yet you were so busy with Abby that your daughter almost got crushed."

He started laughing, making me narrow my eyes. Is he making fun of me, oh hell he better not be. "Katy, you know how Shannon helped me raise Bianca?" I nodded, not knowing where he was going with this one. Well I'm wishing him good luck!

"Shannon had to take care of some family business so Abby came in replacement of her for a few days, and Shannon's supposed to be walking through that front door any hour now." Say what? My eyes lit up, so he isn't seeing anyone?

Does that mean that he still loves me, or likes me, or whatever he's feeling towards me? I felt guilty, how could I even ask such a stupid question towards a man I never once doubted. "I'm sorry, I didn't..." He smiled and took my hands in his, "Baby, don't be. I love only you, and there's no woman in the world that could make me fall for them besides you, because I love you."

Tears started forming in my eyes, "Dad?" Came a clearly confused voice from behind me, I didn't dare turn around. I started panicking, my breathing started growing rapidly. My eyes widened as John's face broke out into a huge smile, "It's okay babe, turn around and meet your daughter."

His gentle voice definitely soothed me a bit, I slowly turned around and was face to face with my daughter, except she doesn't know that I'm her mother. When I turned around, she let out a really loud scream, but I didn't flinch. Meeting the daughter that you lost, meeting the daughter that you gave up your own life for for the first time in years, how do I even begin to describe this feeling?

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