Chapter 37: Subway or Burger King?

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Katy's P.O.V.

"I swear to God Shannon if you don't turn off that radio right now I'm pushing you aside and driving straight home." I snapped when she cranked Roar to max volume. She just giggled, "Oh chill down Perry, why are you so snappy, we always shop together!"

"Yeah, when I didn't have a billion things on the deadline!" That's when she became quiet and pulled aside, "Okay I didn't mean for you to actually pull aside, we're on the highway." I said sincerely. She looked at me with a sad face, "Katy, I've known you since the beginning of our careers, I know something is bothering you besides all the deadlines, what's going on?"

I sighed, she is afterall my best friend, maybe she can make me feel a bit better. "Tomorrow is Mother's Day, I don't expect anything from Bianca, because I didn't raise her. But she doesn't even look like she remembers, it hurts me so much. It's almost as if I have failed as a mother, which I have."

I allowed my tears to go wherever they may, who the hell cares anyway? "I'm sure that she didn't forget about you Katy, you need to start putting some faith into the girl. Sure you were gone her childhood, but you're proving to her that you're trying to make up for it, I know she'll plan something for you."

I sighed and looked at the mirror, "Fuck my makeup is messed up, the one day I chose to wear not waterproof mascara." Shannon chuckled and dug into her purse, grabbing some makeup remover wipes and wiping my face. "Here, some waterproof mascara." She said, covergirl! My favorite brand.

"Thanks Shannon, you're right, maybe I am overthinking. Let's just go spend the day at the mall." Truth is, I just wanted to spend as much time as possible away from Bianca today. Who the hell knows what she could be up to right this moment?

Bianca's P.O.V.

"DAD I SWEAR TO GOD HURRY UP!!" I screamed, pounding on the bathroom door. I know I'm 16 and all, but they still haven't taught me how to drive, so I need him to drive me everywhere and he's been on the stupid bathroom for the past half hour, how is that even possible?

"Goodness Bianca chill, I'm coming!" The door finally opened and I think I just fainted, my hand quickly flew up to cover my nose. "What the heck did you eat last night, dead mice?" I snapped, making him playfully glare at me before shutting the bathroom door.

"Did you at least open the fan? Wait a that my bathroom???" I feel a panic attack coming, he laughed, "Yep, because my bathroom is having some issues." I tried strangling him, but he grabbed my legs and picked me up, swinging me around.

"Dad I'm 16, not 6 anymore!" I yelled as he threw me onto my bed, "I'm telling mom about this, you broke your bathroom again didn't you?" He laughed once again making me go all mad, "Are we going to get your mom something or not, we've already wasted about an hour."

"WE??? You!!" I stammered, chasing him down the stairs. "Oh fuck, paparazzi." Dad said closing the windows, "There's at least a billion out there, I need you to stay close to me okay?" I nodded and held tightly onto him as we entered the outside world.

"Holy cow is that you Bianca, why no makeup today?"

"Without makeup, you look worse than your mother without her makeup! Hahahahahahahaha!"

I had to bite myself so hard that my tongue started bleeding, I swear to god that I'm going to murder these people one day. "It's okay pie, we're almost there." Dad comforted, as his limo pulled up. That's when I realized, I've gotten to start thinking about my future.

I've had straight As my entire life, I could have gotten into Harvard, literally! But after this family mess, not only has it destroyed me, changed my personality, but it also destroyed my brilliant future! I wanted to become a lawyer, go to Harvard Law school, but it's all goodbye now!

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