Chapter 5: Eight months

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Katrina's P.O.V.

I started screaming/crying when Katy's car pulled away with her in it, my knees became weak as John scooped me up. "It's okay Katrina, she's doing this for her career, I promise you we'll visit her soon okay?" I stopped crying and looked up at him weirdly.

"But isn't she busy though, wouldn't we be interrupting her?" I asked sadly as he placed me gently onto the couch, "Oh honey, you are never interrupting her, her schedule just doesn't exactly allow time for everything right now. But once her career settles down a bit, she'll spend every single moment with you, that's what she promised me."

Okay, now I'm really started to like him, he's not bad at all. I can trust him, since Katy trusts him so much. "And meanwhile, you're 10 years old, which means that you've gotten to go to school darling." I rolled my eyes and laid back onto the couch, face facing down.

I hate school, everyone there bullies me, and no one ever stands up to defend me, not once. "What's wrong Kat? Are you okay, oh Katy's going to kill me, it's only the first hour and you're..." I giggled, "I'm fine, I just really don't like school."

He sighed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his warm embrace, my dad's warm embrace. "You can tell me what's going on, since it's technically just going to be us for some time." I sniffled my nose and looked into his eyes for the first time.

"Everyone always bullies me there and I really don't like school, they say I was a mistake and I shouldn't be there breathing." His eyes widened before getting up from the couch and heading towards the kitchen.

John's P.O.V.

How dare anyone say anything about my daughter like that? Yeah she may be technically less than one day adopted, but I already feel like she's been with me for eternity. She's Katy and my baby, and I'm not going to let anyone down this time. I'm going to protect her and do what a good father does, no one is going to ever harm her ever again.

"Yes, Katrina Mayer is going back to school and I, as her father now, would like to speak to the principal. There are a few things we need to discuss, if he doesn't know already." And with that, I put my phone down and picked up Kat, who was looking at me curiously.

"You're starting school next Monday, which is in two days. So how about I take you to do some more shopping and buy you some things for lunch?" She nodded as I carried her outside. "Don't worry honey, they won't be bothering you anymore, I will take care of everything."

"Thank you." I smiled and placed her in the backseat, making sure she was buckled first before driving towards the mall. "You know what Kat, how about we go to the water park tomorrow?" She clapped her hands and shouted yay, isn't she like the cutest ever?

"I love the water park, but I've never been there before. What's it like?" I bit my lip, she hasn't done a lot of things apparently. "It's really fun, there are all sorts of water slides, little lazy rivers that you can ride floats on and there are tons of toys there too."

"Oh yay, I can't wait!" I chuckled and continued driving, wishing Katy was here with us. But this is the life I chose, the celebrity life, and now that I've entered Hollywood successfully, I can't back out that easily.

Katy's P.O.V.

I spent the entire plane ride crying, I think that by the time we arrived at Tokyo I'm already out of tears. Literally the entire time I was either crying or sleeping from crying too much, it's pretty obvious that I would be in such a terrible state.

I just became a mother for goodness sakes and I was forcibly pulled away from my baby and my man. "Alright Katy, let's get ready, we're there." Brad said helping me stand up since I'm jet-lagged again, it hasn't been a long time since I've ridden in a plane, but it's been a week, and a week for me is a really long time.

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