Chapter 9: Kalando or Ploom?

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John's P.O.V.

I almost fell out of my chair when I heard a terrible scream from next door, I was currently on my laptop waiting for Katy to come back. She's been acting weird these past few days, but I'm fine with that, everyone needs some personal time. But if she doesn't get better soon, I'm gonna start questioning her.

I flung open Kat's door and saw her curled up in a small bun crying. Where is Shannon, I thought she was sleeping with Kat. I immediately rushed over and gathered her into my arms, "Baby it's okay, daddy's here." I stroked her hair in hopes to calm her down a bit, it worked. "I thought Shannon was sleeping with me, but when I woke up, she was gone!"

Katy left mysteriously, and so did Shannon. I have a strange feeling that something is going on that I don't know. But I know Katy wouldn't do anything to hurt me, I trust her with my everything.

But being me, I still am worried. What could she need that she would have to sneak out late at night time with Shannon, and without telling me? What if there's something on her mind but she's scared to tell me, have I not been showing her that I'm here for her lately?

Oh my goodness it my fault, she could be in danger right now and it's all my fault. With Kat still in one arm, I grabbed my phone and dialed Shannon's number. I know she always picks up her phone, so let's hope this goes well:

J: Shannon where are you? Is Katy with you?

S: Uhhhh, maybe...?

J: I'm worried Shannon and I need you to be honest with me right now okay? Katy snuck out and she's still not returned any of my phone calls, then I noticed you're gone as well so I decided to call you.

S: Fine, since you and Katy are about to get married I think you deserve to know where she is.

J: Thank you, I knew I could trust you.

S: Er yeah, Katy and I are just out shopping, talking about some woman stuff that you cannot know about.

J: Okay, are you guys going to be okay though? She basically sneaked out, when I questioned her, she was acting all mysterious.

S: Well she's Katy, that's what we love most of her. If she finds out that I told you this, I won't live to see the next sunrise honestly. But I'll tell you anyways, she's in on this huge surprise for you.

J: Darn it, but she needs to be getting rest right now!

S: Aww so protective of her aren't we? But don't worry, she has me and I will get her back soon okay?

J: Once again thank you, and now, I've gotten to get her a surprise.

S: Oh you really don't have to, once you find out about this, your mind will literally be blown away. Anyways I gotta go, Katy just came out of the bathroom.

J: Okay bye

Well at least I know that Katy is safe now, I put my phone down and looked over at Kat, who was still sleeping peacefully in my arm, or so I thought. "Is Shannon okay?" She asked sadly, I smiled and gently squeezed her arm. "Yeah, Shannon and mommy are going shopping actually, they're getting you a surprise!"

Her eyes immediately lit up, "Really, what is it?" That's what I loved about kids, whenever they heard the word surprise, they would immediately try and find out what it was. "I don't know baby, they didn't even tell me." I said, hopefully Katy's getting something kid like?

"Aww okay then, can you sleep with me though tonight?" She asked, "Of course, we've gotten a big day tomorrow. Mommy has the day off and we can go sightseeing together!" She clapped her hands and jumped under the covers, kids...

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