Chapter 21: Red lust

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Katy's P.O.V.

I reacted by crying endlessly, I feared that I might just pass out instead but my body wouldn't allow it. None of them did anything to make me feel better, but Shannon did run after her as John crouched down and pulled me into a tight embrace as I finally broke down one more time. "She...this baby, I..." I choked, "Shh Kate, it's okay, Shannon's gonna take care of her."

"I'm not aborting this baby, but I also can't lose her. Why can't she just think this through? It's gonna be nice having a little sibling to play with!" He planted a kiss on my lips, "It doesn't matter anymore babe, she'll understand what you went through for her one day." How could he not be mad at me? I didn't tell him we were having a baby!

"I love you so much, and I'm so sorry baby for not telling you first." He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, all that matters is you being ready. We'll bring this baby to this world together okay? I'll go talk to her but for you, you just need to relax and take care of yourself, can you do that for me?" I nodded and kissed him again as he place his hands on my stomach, "I can't wait baby, I can't wait to meet you."

I giggled because his breath was tickling my skin, he planted a gentle kiss on my toned stomach before covering it with my shirt again, "Okay, drive safely babe." I kissed him goodbye before I grabbed my keys and drove away. You know what fuck this life, I'm gonna go get some Starbucks. Sorry baby, but momma's gonna binge eat because she's depressed. Hopefully he/she won't grow up to be addicted to these foods.

I sighed as I walked into the cafe, it smelled so good in here! All of them are gonna kill me if they found out but whatever, I got many gasps and little screams as I ordered a peppermint mocha, who doesn't love those right? "Katy come sit with us!" A girl yelled, oh whatever.

She started screaming and the other one started crying, do I really have this huge of an effect on people? I chuckled and wrapped an arm around the crying doll, "Don't cry little kitten, trust me, I don't want to cause anymore tears today." I joked, yet meant it at the same time.

"So, what's your name?" They introduced each other as Mikayla and Theresa, my two favorite names besides Katrina of course. But now I'm having second thoughts, we've been through this once already, me giving up on her, but my maternal instincts fought my brain.

Now I'm going through this again, well with two adults running after her I'm sure she's gonna be physically okay, I hope. I shook off all my personal problems and gave my Katycats my full attention, I know I just got off a world tour, but I already miss them so much.

"So, have you been to any of my concerts before?" I asked after getting my mocha, which by the way is delicious. "Yeah, the tour in Rio, oh my goodness that one was hilarious!" Theresa exclaimed, making me blush slightly. "I can't believe you actually smacked her butt!"

"Well in the first place she did kiss and grope me, let's not forget about that. So wherever you are right now honey, you better have learned your lesson..." I said looking around making all three of us laugh, all those beautiful moments of the tour, I can't believe it actually ended.

I lost at least 5 pounds from crying, I had so many memories during those roller coaster years that I'll never forget, yet it just ended. But I guess on the bright side I do get to spend more time with my family and friends, which I haven't had the chance to do during the worldwide tour.

My family is a mess right now, I can't believe it. I'm pregnant and Katrina just said if this baby doesn't go, she'll go. What the fuck was I supposed to do, abort my child? Who the hell does she think she is? Yeah she's my daughter, but she has no right to talk to my children like that.

I saved her from getting attacked by her abusive parents, I made her dream come true by meeting me, did she suddenly forget all of that? I had to delay my tour for 3 weeks to try and get her to feel like a normal child again, to make her fucking open her mouth and talk. All the things I've tried to do to make her feel normal, but what was I thinking? She's never gonna be normal because her mother isn't normal, all three of her mother's aren't normal for crying out loud.

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