Chapter 18, Say my name one more time, baby

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??? P.O.V.

I stared at the lifeless body, knowing what they hadn't buried him yet. I slowly stroked his hand with my finger, he would have been mine, but he chose to be with Katy. This is what he gets, he chose the path to die when he hasn't even lived half his life yet. But then again, if he doesn't awaken, I won't ever see him smile or hear his voice. Even though it isn't directed towards me, at least I'll still see him.

In my hand, holds a bottle of my blood. If John drinks this, he will have my blood in him, and it will also awaken him since he is bloodless right now. He won't feel any different, but I know that I will be in him, always.

I know that when John would wake up, he would go straight to Katy, and I guess I'm gonna have to get rid of her sometime. Then he will have no other choice but to marry me. I opened the bottle and poured it into his mouth and watched as his eyes started opening, an evil smile on my face...

Katy's P.O.V.

We were riding on the plane when Shannon suddenly came bouncing onto me, I was still trying to figure out how to comfort Kat. "You can even leave me in peace and we're on a plane!" I said as she once again shoved her phone into my face. I swear that if this is about her lover boy again I'm gonna kick some butt.

But it wasn't, my phone dropped to the ground as so did my jaw. "That's not possible? He's dead!" I screamed grabbing her phone and staring at the news myself. "John Mayer found running into LAX, is this a mirage we're seeing or did some miracle happen? He's probably running to find his on and off girlfriend or whatever you want to call it Katy Perry since 2012, stay tuned in for more news." No fucking way he's alive.

"That's so sweet! He's searching for you Katy!" Shannon said shaking my shoulders, but I shushed her since everyone was asleep. "How? I thought he was dead! This isn't even possible, there's no such thing as rising from the dead or something I think I'm going insane Shannon." I said.

"You're not going insane, he and the paparazzi are. But aren't you excited that he's alive? You won't ever be alone anymore Katy, it's great news!" No, this can't be happening. I know I'm heartbroken because of John, as much as I want him back, but I can't.

I promised that I wouldn't ever love again, it's just not going to happen anymore. I've been hurt before too many times and I'm not going down that path anymore. "I can't Shannon, please understand. I'm glad he's alive, and I'm glad that Katrina will have her father back, but I just can't love him again."

It looked as if I had literally just slapped her across the face, "Katy Perry say wha?" She gasped, pretending to faint, but I grabbed her arm and dragged her back up before she actually crashed into the earth.

"So after almost dying another time because of John, now that he's back you don't want him? He loves you for goodness sakes, why don't you ever think about his feelings? He'll be heartbroken and from what I know, you already broke his heart open one time whether it was your fault or not." She snapped.

"Woodward, not now please. Bradford just told me that Katrina tried committing suicide." My eyes widened when that left my mouth, I didn't want to tell her, but I guess when you're depressed and confused, you really can say anything. "Katrina tried to kill herself? Why would she ever do that?"

I turned my face so she wouldn't have to see me cry, just the thought of my daughter harming herself was too much, but killing herself? That's basically like killing me, and Bradford, how dare he keep such a secret from me for almost half a month?

"That day when you and I went shopping, after we just found Katrina at Ellen's building, she was with Bradford and she told him about how she tried killing herself with sleeping pills that she had found in the kitchen. Bradford said it was because she had found out that her father died, and that we broke up and I kissed another man...just a really messed up family." I explained.

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