Chapter 25: Trying isn't good enough

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Katrina's P.O.V.

Destroyed once again by the bell, goodness. The one class I do well in and I never have a chance to express to the professor that I actually enjoy it, the bell always cuts me off. Anatomy, who doesn't love that class right? I groaned and put my books into my bag before exiting the room.

UCLA is so stressful, I'm not even joking. My adoptive parents helped me a lot through high school but they can't anymore because I'm in college, so it's all up to me now to graduate.

John is supposed to be here tomorrow, I can't wait to see him. It's been 7 years since I last saw him, well, besides pictures. I have to admit that Bianca is really gorgeous for a 7 year old.

I crashed onto my bed the moment I got home, John is a really caring dad even though he technically isn't my dad anymore. I'm probably the richest girl on campus right now, and I've gotten my own house on the campus! Like which normal kid could do that?

I didn't really have to talk to him, I just wanted to see him again. My phone started ringing, I groaned before getting up and answering it:

K: Oh hi dad.

J: Katrina I'm really sorry but I can't make it tomorrow.

K: Why not?

J: Bianca's life is in danger.

K: What, what do you mean her life is in danger?

J: The doctors injected her head accidently with deadly growth steroids when she was still a fetus, they aimed at her arms but instead got it into her brain. She was lucky she didn't show symptoms at the beginning of her childhood.

K: Oh my goodness!

J: Yeah, she only has a few more hours to live unless we can find a cure, which we are losing hope on.

K: No wait dad I can take care of it, remember, I major in anatomy!

J: Honey that's really sweet of you but you need to stay in school.

K: I need to make it up to Bianca, I kind of owe her. I just need a flight to wherever you guys are at right now and I'll figure something out.

J: Alright go to your nearest airport and there will be a private jet waiting for you there.

I nodded to myself and quickly grabbed a purse, stuffed my wallet, some vials, and phone inside before rushing outside to get a taxi.

Katy's P.O.V.

There's gotten to be a way to save Bianca, she only has a couple of hours to live what the fuck is wrong with this hospital? Making promises that they can't keep, remind me to never step foot in here again. My head suddenly snapped up, remembering the fact that I have magic.

I can use my magic to transfer my energy into hers, wait, that means I would have to die again. Seriously, how many times does this world want me to die? Dying isn't fun, especially when you have to do it twice, wow, never thought I'd say that.

Katrina's flying back in, and I want to say goodbye to her before I do this, she after all is my daughter as well. I slowly walked into the operation room where they were currently trying to revive Bianca, no use,

I grabbed the doctor and dragged him aside, "I can use my magic to transfer my life into hers, since I'm healthy, my healthy cells can destroy whatever you did wrong in her." I explained, his eyes widened. "But that means you're going to die...another time?" I sighed at the way he put it into a question.

"She's my daughter, I never got love her, so the only way I can show her that I really do care about her is to give her my life. And plus, it's not like she lost me. I'll still be able to save her if her life's in danger, just like now." I guess Chris really can break us apart.

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