Chapter 3: You belong with us

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Katy's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and shut them immediately due to the bright sun shining directly in my face, I groaned and rolled over to see a peacefully sleeping John. I carefully studied his features, every single part of him was perfect. Well except for his hair since he has bed hair every morning.

I propped myself up and planted a long kiss on his lips, but only a smile appeared, he didn't wake. "If you want your prince to wake up, you're gonna have to kiss him again." I gave him the are you serious look, but since he didn't open his eyes, I leant over and kissed him again.

I screamed into the kiss when both of his arms wrapped around my waist, causing me to lose my balance and crash on top of him. He rolled us around so I was underneath him, I ran my hand through his brown hair as he deepened the kiss, pinning me onto the mattress.

I could never get enough of this man, whenever I look at him, I fall in love all over again, a whole new layer of ecstasy. He smiled as he pulled away, "And people say it's hard to wake me up." I mocked, attempting to get up. But he caught my arm and dragged me back on top of him again.

"Why are you so beautiful, babe?" He asked, combing his fingers through my probably now messed up hair, "Why are you so handsome, now let me go, I've gotten to go check on Katrina." He chuckled and kissed me one more time before I got up and threw a bathrobe around myself, realizing that I was still in my Firework costume.

"Oh great, Johnny's gonna kill me now. We only have one costume..." I muttered before entering the guest room to see Kat sleeping peacefully. I haven't seen her this peaceful since forever, I'm glad she's finally maybe accepting me a bit into her life.

I slowly walked over and shook her shoulders, careful not to frighten her. She winced a bit and I immediately replied, "It's okay little kitten, it's just me, Katy." She opened her eyes and yawned as I giggled.

"Did you sleep well honey?" She nodded as I sat down on her bed, "How about after breakfast today, John and I take you to go shopping for some new clothes?" Her eyes literally lit up, has she never been shopping before? Oh wait, she probably hasn't, poor girl.

"Katy..." The way she says my name makes me break out into a bigger smile, but another way she said it, she sounded like she was about to cry. "Kat, are you alright?" I asked, gently placing my hand onto her shoulder and once again, she tensed up to my touch, bringing tears to my eyes.

"Babe you can tell me anything, I won't hurt you." She lifted her head up and met my eyes with identical teary ones, "I never shopped, my mom would always make me...steal things." And that set her off, she started sobbing. What kind of a woman would do such things, she's only 10!

I quickly gathered her shaking body into my arms, just gently rocking and holding her. "You won't ever have to do it again, because from now on, you are my baby." She gasped and looked up at me, oh shoot, that totally just slipped out of my mouth didn't it?

"John and I are planning on adopting you, if that's alright with you?" I bit my lip, not knowing how she'd react...

Katrina's P.O.V.

SHE'S ADOPTING ME!! KATY PERRY IS ADOPTING ME, WHO, ME! Oh my goodness am I dreaming right now, it sure feels like it. "Really, you want to adopt me?" I asked weirdly, why would anyone want to take me in, I'm so freaking messed up.

"The first moment I saw you running down those streets, something just told me that we'd have a future together. I want to give you the life you deserve honey, and I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."

I started crying and the next thing I knew, I threw myself onto her. Wow, I'm really emotional today. My actions are even surprising myself, Katy giggled and hugged me back. "So I'm taking that as a yes you want to?" I nodded my head eagerly, still not believing this.

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