Chapter 14: Ultimately

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Katy's P.O.V.

Why the fuck do I keep passing out? My head is literally throbbing, I have a headache the size of the biggest thing you could think of and I'm more than wide awake right now. I yanked off the hotel bed covers and silently pressed my ear against the bathroom door, where Orlando was currently in:

"What do you mean I sprayed her with the wrong kind of potion? No listen to me, she's going to wake up any minute now and fall in love with me. She won't remember anything about her and John, she'll forget that I smashed her phone and she won't remember anything about her daughter."

I gasped a little bit too loudly, I have a daughter? What about me and John? Well one thing I know for sure is that I can't stay here anymore, if he can spray me with a love potion, then he could easily kill me.

I opened the door slowly and ran down the hallways and down to the lobby, I literally have only a matter of minutes before he realizes that I'm missing. I ran to the receptionist desk breathless, "May I please use your computer really fast? This is really urgent." I begged.

She looked confused for a second before moving over, "Thank you so much!" I googled myself up as Katy Perry and I tried to find anything that had to do with this John guy, our past relationship and my daughter apparently. But my body doesn't look like I had a daughter, or maybe I just got back in shape?

After about a few minutes, I finally got some information. So apparently John Mayer and I have been dating for the past year and a half, we've never once broken up or at least that's what the media says. I scrolled through all the photos of our song Who you Love, although I kinda forgot how it goes but I know it's our song.

Tears clouded my eyes as I tried to remember something, anything about there being a "Jaty". But nothing, there wasn't anything I could remember. But I know that these images couldn't have been fake, the way his arms were wrapped around my waist, and the way we were together made me hate myself. How did I even get with Orlando in the first place? If I was so happy with John, why aren't I with him now? Did Orlando kidnap me? Well it does make sense I guess.

Then John must be searching for me, he must be so worried! But worse, how can I ever love a man that I don't even know a thing about? Even if we do somehow reunite, I don't know if I can love him. He's basically a stranger to me right now, I only know his name. I gasped when I saw Orlando rushing towards me, that fucking bitch destroyed my life.

I stood up angrily and turned to the lady, "Go get security quickly." She nodded and ran off, the fire in my eyes could burn down a forest, the hatred in my eyes could poison the wicked witch of the west and most importantly, he wasn't getting out of this. I don't remember my real fiancé, and I don't remember my own daughter, what kind of a woman am I?

"How long did you think you could fool me?" I said calmly yet angrily, he had just as much anger in him as me. "I don't know what you're talking about." Just then, the security showed up. I don't want to talk to him anymore, he's already ruined everything. Just looking at him makes me sick. "Katy wait." He said as I turned to the guards.

I sighed, "Wait what? Haven't you already waited enough? I've spent too much time with you when I'm not supposed to." I spat harshly, "Just please let me explain, please." I can't, I need to find John, he's probably really worried right now. "No, you've had your chance and you blew it twice, just get him out of my sight." I said as the guards walked past me.

I buried my face in my palms and started weeping, I don't have anything on me. I don't know any of their phone numbers by heart and even if I did it wouldn't help my memory, I can't remember a fucking thing. My phone is broken, I can't contact anyone, and there's no way that anyone can find me.

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