Chapter 30: Move on

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Bianca's P.O.V.

It's been 2 months since all that stuff has occurred, and I have to say that having a mom in my life is really different. Good and bad, bad because...well, she worries too much about me. We've never fought a single time, I wished that she could spoil me, but being the good mother she is, she wouldn't.

She and dad have slowly been mending up their relationship, I gave him the silent treatment for a whole month straight. What, he left me to go have intercourse with Abby! Mom didn't talk to him either for a few weeks, but out of the blue, I heard her just suddenly start crying.

I was upstairs the day when mom and dad finally started talking, it was so awkward for all three of us in the beginning when I was released from the hospital. I don't even know how many times I've stayed over at Shannon's house.

Dad has been taking mom on a lot of dates, and once again, I'm left with Shannon. I still don't like dad, but I've realized that he's my dad and I should just accept the fact that someone still cares for mom.

"Honey, I love you and all, but you've seriously gotten to get out of bed." Mom said yanking the covers off of me, it was a Saturday. That's when I realized I have to go to Luke's house and film a video for the industrial revolution, along with a couple of other people in our group.

"Mom, could you drive me over to Luke's house? Oh, and can we get Shannon, we have to make a film." I said jumping out of bed, "Oh that's great! How long are you guys going to take?" She asked as I took off my PJs, "Probably the entire weekend, can I crash there?"

"No, he's a boy!" She said as we started walking downstairs to find dad already sitting on the table eating his bacon and eggs, Shannon's here, perfect! "Mom, I won't do anything stupid, we need as much time as possible on this." But she still refused.

"Shannon, could you help my group and I make a video for our project today?" I asked, approaching her. "Sure, I'll take you, let's go!" I quickly grabbed all my things and kissed mom on the cheek, "I'll be back for dinner then." She smiled and kissed my forehead, "That's my girl, stay safe okay?"

I nodded and waved goodbye before walking outside with Shannon, "Before we go, can we pick up some drinks at Starbucks first? I didn't even eat breakfast." I whined as she laughed, "You are so Katy's child, you can't survive a day with Starbucks can you? But no coffee, even though your mother isn't here, I still can't feed you caffeine okay?"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't worry, I hate coffee. It makes your breath all disgusting and I hate disgusting breath honestly, I like good breath lol." She pushed my head gently before pulling out of the driveway, I let out a long sigh.

"Is mom really going to forgive dad?" I asked out of the blue, she didn't respond for a couple of seconds. "Shannon?" I snapped, "Honestly no she isn't, do you forgive him? Exactly, no you don't. So of course Katy wouldn't either because she was the one that literally got directly affected."

I shut my eyes and tried to think of something else, but I just couldn't. I wonder what they're doing at home right now.

Katy's P.O.V.

"KATY JUST LET ME EXPLAIN OKAY?" John yelled as I threw an empty flower vase at him, but missed terribly. I watched as it shattered against the fireplace, great, now I have to clean it up later. "I don't want to hear your fucking explanation, it's going to be stupid just like you!" I yelled back.

The entire kitchen was a mess right now, caused by me. John was ducking most of the time while I threw whatever I could at him, not caring if it would do any damage to him.

"I can't keep acting like I've forgiven you in front of Bianca, I want her to be happy and I know she isn't right now. Heck I only have a few more years with her before she leaves for college, I missed out in her life forever!" I said as tears welled up in my eyes.

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