Chapter 20: Why can't you keep a promise?

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Katrina's P.O.V.

I'm starting junior high today! I can't believe it's been a full 3 years since mom found me running down the streets of LA crying, it's been crazy. But that's the past, I can't change it. I'm just glad to have two happy parents and me, a single child. I don't want a sibling, because we've gone through so much already, and all that was just for them to love me. So I'm not risking the chance of being replaced.

"Honey let's go!" Mom snapped, I swear she's been really emotional these past few days. One moment she's planting big wet kisses on my cheek then the next moment I'm grounded for doing nothing. I've just simply ignored it because I know she's tired from all that touring, but I don't know how much longer I can handle this before I go boom boom.

"Coming!" I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs to see mom and dad kissing, I think it's really cute, and disgusting. I wake up everyday to see that, it's honestly not that pleasant after a while. I grabbed mom's arm and dragged her out towards the door, "Have a great day Katrina!" Dad yelled as we walked out. I screamed when flashes started going off, I should have figured they would be here since it's Katy Perry's only child's first day to school.

Mom quickly grabbed me and threw her jacket around my head, which covered most of the noises. I loved this side of her, she was so protective of me no matter what. "It's okay babe, we're almost there." I was trusting her right now because I couldn't see anything. I could only smell her sweet, cotton candy scent that made me want cotton candy. Mom did give me some cash though...

We finally made it into the car and after 5 minutes, mom got annoyed. She just stepped on the gas pedal and sped off, hopefully we didn't run anymore over. "Mom don't do that again!" I said leaning back into the headrest. "I don't want you being late to your first day of junior high. Remember, no dating and keep your grades up okay?" I nodded.

"But why can't I date, mommy?" I asked weirdly, so many people are dating, why can't I? "Honey, because the boys will only end up hurting you. And I can't stand to watch someone hurting my baby girl, when you're older and you can defend and protect yourself a bit more, that's when you can date alright baby?"

I sighed, she just made that up. I can't date because I'm a celebrity's child, but I didn't care. As long as I had my mommy and daddy by my side, I didn't care. "Oh my goodness did you pack a lunch?" I shook my head, "Right, that's because there's nothing for you to pack. I've gotten to go grocery shopping today, anything in particular you'd like?" She asked.

"I don't know, just a bunch of junk food please." She rolled her eyes, "Anything else besides junk food, maybe some real lunches? Like bread and ham, for a sandwich?" I stuck my tongue out at her, "Eww healthy food." We both laughed, and that's when we pulled up at my school. "I'm trusting you to make the correct decisions for your future okay?" Mom said.

I nodded and kissed her cheek before grabbing my backpack and climbing out of the car, my eyes widened when people started screaming and running towards me, almost knocking me over. Day one is already dreadful, imagine 179 more. I looked into the car to find mom having a really worried look on her face. I knew that if she stepped out of that car, things would get a whole lot worse. But she did, for me.

The screaming even caused the principal to walk out here. Mom finally made her way to me and wrapped both arms around me as people tried to get our attention. "Oh Ms. Perry!" The principal exclaimed, I buried my head into her stomach and started crying. Then I broke free from her grasp and ran away, I hate being like this, why can't I just be treated normally?

Katy's P.O.V.

"Katrina!" I yelled after she broke free from me, my poor little baby. And I thought people would treat her fine, but that was dumb and stupid of me, because her mother just finished a world tour! People were pressing things in my face, but I needed to find my girl. It took forever to move away, the principal and the teachers finally got all the kids to move away.

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