Chapter 12: Love potion

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John's P.O.V.

I've been crying for the past 2 hours, Katy really did call off our marriage. Everyone was just silently sitting in the plane watching me, of course it was awkward. I didn't know where Katy was but I'm too afraid to go and find her, she hates the shit out of me.

I wanted to protect her of course, but she's right, I was just protecting myself. Why is that woman so clever? Finally, Brad stood up, "You should really call her, you don't even know where she is." I still can't believe we actually left Australia without her.

For all I know she could still be in Australia, but I know she'll be okay, she's Katy Perry. I shook my head and shoved it away from him, "She hates me, she doesn't want to talk to me. She's right, I was just being selfish and I hurt both her and Katrina. And she...she called off the marriage."

Everyone in the plane gasped, "Why...what? That doesn't even sound like Katy, it's like she's a different person now! She loves you..." Tamra said all in one breath, I shrugged my shoulders and continued staring out the window. My life as I know it, will never get better.

"Okay, we need a plan to keep Katy and Kat safe tomorrow night." Bradford said sitting down across from me, and everyone else huddled around us. I sighed, "What could you possibly come up with that Robert hasn't already?" I muttered.

"Katy could be going her own way right now, we all know that when Katy is mad, she could do whatever she wants, literally she'll do anything. And now that she's extremely infuriated, we've gotten a problem. She's probably on a plane back to LA right now, then she'll settle down and make a plan most likely, get ready and head over to Venice Beach." Brad explained.

No wonder Katy is so close with these people, they know everything about her! Her actions her thoughts, things that I don't even know and I'm about to marry her. Wouldn't life be a curve ball thrower?

"I secretly have a security camera attached on her, she wouldn't ever see it because I put it on the root of her eyelash. So this way, I can make sure she's safe all the time like at moments like these." I raised my eyebrows, so he could see Katy when she's naked?

"Don't worry John, I only use it when she's nowhere to be found, I promise no other time." I sat back down in my seat, that man better be telling the truth. Oh what am I doing, of course he is, he's trustworthy. He's known Katy since she was 19, he wouldn't ever harm her.

"So we'll just turn on the camera and see where she is right now." Why is everyone suddenly so clever when I don't need them to be?

Katy's P.O.V.

Orlando and I have been talking nonstop since I arrived, he didn't react the way I had expected. It was almost as if he was expecting me to show up, but I didn't care, we've been really bonding since the plane took off. And for once I'm not starving, his salads are so delicious along with the luxurious red wine they serve, wow I'm in love.

I still need to come up with a plan though, a plan on how I'm going to get Kat and try to not get killed, but that's unlikely. "Oh Katy, there's something on your eyelash." Mascara? I looked weirdly at him as he reached towards my eye, "It's probably just mascara..." I said as he pulled on my eyelash, ow, he's really hurting me.

I stayed silent as he in finally drew back, there really was something. "It looks like a little camera..." I gasped as my eyes widened, "How did that get on my eyelash, someone must have put it there!!" I shrieked, suddenly very frightened. Someone had been watching my every move, and if it weren't for Orlando, they still would be. "Destroy the fucking camera Bloom!"

I've never been this scared in my life, who the hell knows how long that camera's been there? Who knows how they installed it there, well I know for sure that I'm going to find out who did that and make them pay big time for it. But no one else has access to me but John and my crew members, they wouldn't do such a thing to me, would they?

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