Chapter 23: Mr. Parachute

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Author's note: This one goes out to katyccat thanks for staying strong and for talking to me, you made me feel special and you are too baby!

John's P.O.V.

"Bianca please stop crying!" I yelled as I threw the covers back on top of my head, "Ugh Shannon!!" I screamed, seconds later footsteps approached and the crying immediately stopped. I swear that Bianca has been attached the Shannon mentally and physically these past few months.

I can't believe it's actually been 3 months since my love passed away giving birth to our baby girl. I'm obviously still not over it, but I've managed to get myself together pretty well because I couldn't break down in front of Bianca, I want her to see me as a strong dad.

And Katrina, I heard she's still in the foster home, she hasn't been adopted yet. I don't know what's gotten into her lately, I know Katy's death has managed to start a wildfire, but that doesn't mean she has to turn against all the people who are trying to help her.

"John it wouldn't kill you to just try and calm her down, the reason she stops crying when I'm holding her is because she's so used to it. I'm not even her mother, you don't want her forgetting about you. Here, just give it a try." I sighed as she placed my baby in my arms.

As expected, she started crying. I made an attempt to give her back to Shannon, but she left the room. "It's okay baby, it's just daddy. Do you still remember who I am?" I cooed, well that seemed to work a bit.

Shannon returned and handed me a bottle of formula, "You're such a good girl aren't you?" Bianca giggled and I immediately stopped smiling, holy crap she sounds so much like Katy when she giggles. Shannon sensed I was going to have another meltdown because she immediately grabbed Bianca from me as I fell onto my bed, beginning to cry.

"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME?" I shouted as more tears poured out of my eyes, soon enough, my tears could turn into a river and my eyes would become as dry as a desert. My body couldn't keep up with this heartbreak, and once Bianca grew up to be a teenager, she would probably be a spitting image of Katy.

How the hell am I supposed to explain to a girl that she doesn't have a mother? Exactly, because I can't! Shannon closed the door after walking in and sat down next to me, "John, this really isn't good for you, you're going to have to get yourself together."

"Bianca is growing up, she'll start understanding the things that are happening around her. Soon enough she won't be able to face the world because all she sees everyday is her father in tears, you promised Katy to raise Bianca to the best of your abilities, are you really going to break the only promise you made to Katy?" She said.

I sniffled my nose, "You're right, I need physical therapy." I said before charging towards the door, but she grabbed my arm. "Not what I meant you idiot." She said throwing me back onto the bed, "You need to start raising Bianca because she's the child that Katy left for you."

Now the way she phrased that was a little weird, "I've already done the hard part, I raised her when she was a newborn while you were crying all day long. I'm tired and sick of it, I'm sick of you being this way all day long. She's already 3 months old, so you can start stepping into her life before she truly forgets about you."

"You know what, I think you're right." And with that, I hopped off of my bed and ran into Bianca's room...

Katy's P.O.V.

"But she's my daughter! I gave up my life for her, don't you think at the very least I should hug her? It's been 7 years since I died and I still can't meet her? It's not like you don't have the power to make me alive for even 5 minutes again." I said slamming my hand onto his table.

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