Chapter 33: The dolphin princess

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Bianca's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing that I did was vomit, luckily there was a bin right next to my...bed? How on earth did I end up on my bed, in my room in LA? The door swung open and dad came running in, "Oh sweetheart, you're finally awake."

Now I'm more confused than ever, "I know you're confused, but I know what happened, so I'll fill you in. Your mom's pilot gave you sleeping medication and you got knocked out for 24 hours, it also erased 24 hours of your memory." My jaw dropped open as I once again, leaned into the bucket and released.

"Then why am I puking?" I asked, I felt lifeless to be honest. I'm pretty sure I lost a ton of weight and I'm extremely pale as well, "Because of your abnormal lifestyle right now, your body isn't used to it." I nodded, not wanting to talk about this anymore.

"Where's mom?" I asked, after shifting myself up. I watched as dad's face paled, "She left us." Right after he said that, my heart shattered into a million pieces. "She went on tour, and she said that she doesn't care what we do anymore." No no no no no, this can't be happening to me again, I can't lose my mom!

"No, I need to fly to her! Dad, buy me meet and greet tickets to mom's next concert wherever that is. I can't lose her again!" I said jumping off of the bed, "Bianca I can't, we've hurt each other too much already, I just want us to go back to normal honey."

"How dare you say such a thing, how dare you be so selfish! She's my mother, I'm not giving her up without a fight first. She may have just thrown me away, but that doesn't mean I can't try and win her love back! You know what, I know your credit card number anyways, I'm going to buy myself tickets and fly there by myself."

And just like that, I ran into the computer room and searched up Katy Perry concerts. Looks like she has a concert in Sweden in four days, perfect, enough time for me to get there. I bought a ticket to her concert and then a meet and greet pass, she's really worth a ton of money. I know money isn't a problem for this family, but goodness that's a lot of money. She can literally make a million dollars within two hours.

She's not real, but I love her because she's my mommy. I ran back upstairs and grabbed a few bags I will be carrying. I threw in some undergarments, toothbrushes and that kind of stuff into one. In my purse, I put my phone and charger along with my wallet that I made sure I had my and dad's credit cards and cash. Then in the last bag that was slightly the size of a backpack, I threw in some leggings and some clothes that didn't take up much space.

"I'm not letting you fly to Sweden by yourself Bianca, you're still 16 and you're my princess." I sighed, "I love you daddy, but I want my mommy." And just like that, I exited the house and got into the car. If all goes as planned, I will meet mom.

It's so hard to see your mother these days, why can't I just be with my mom? But why would she just leave me with dad alone, did something happen? Wait, why did he give me the drink in the first place? Did something terrible happen in the past 24 hours, so bad that he didn't want me to remember? So bad that it would have made mom leave me?

But honestly, how bad could I have been towards the one person I love the most? My eyes widened with fear as the paparazzi started swarming me at the parking lot in the airport, I haven't even gotten out of the car yet and they're already dying.

Oh, they must know what happened between us, well they're not finding out anymore. But hopefully through them, I'll be able to send mom a message. I grabbed my bags and started walking towards the airport:

"Look over here babe, looking great today!"

"Why are you going to the airport, your mom made it pretty clear that she wanted nothing more to do with you and your dad!"

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