Chapter 16: Ice cream and tears

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Katrina's P.O.V.

It's been a whole month, and now, I'm 11 years old. I miss Katy a lot, and everyday, for the past month, I've been crying. I know we're not that close in our mother daughter relationship, but she was the best mother I've ever had. She treated me like I was a human being, and not like a nothing. She doesn't remember me anymore, everytime I think of that, I break into tears. My life with Robert wasn't bad, though it definitely wasn't good since he was the reason I suffered for ten years.

I never called him dad because John is my dad, I haven't seen him or Katy for such a long time. I'm not allowed to leave the house or use anything internet related, other than that, I can do whatever I want. His house is pretty darn big, almost as big as Katy's mansion. I wonder how mom and dad are doing, I hope they aren't really broken up, and I hope that they're happy.

I was currently sitting on my bed just staring out into the window, I don't have a computer or phone or anything that I can watched animated. I miss the outside world so much I'd do anything to get it back. My door opened, making me jump a bit.

"Hey Katrina, you're up early today." Robert said with a fake smile, something I'd gotten used to long ago. I sighed and turned around, "If you don't let me use internet, why can't I at the very least just leave this house? I feel like Rapunzel, except I don't have long hair." I said.

His eyes flashed angrily, "Don't ever bring that topic up again, I'm doing this to protect you." Now it's my turn to be angry, "Protect me from what, my mom already forgot about me and my dad, who knows what he's doing right now! It's not like any of them care about me anymore, so why can't I be a normal human being and breathe fresh oxygen?" I snapped.

"Watch your tone young lady, and I am your father." I clenched my fists so hard that my knuckles began to turn white, we would fight twice a day and I was getting really tired of it. "But I do have a surprise for you, you'll either be really shocked or you'll hate me."

Like I don't already, I scoffed. I think he just chose to ignore that part, "I did some research and contacting my friends and family members and I um...found your birth mother and contacted her." I started coughing violently, from what, I have no idea.

"What did she say?" I asked, why am I so interested? I shouldn't be, I should hate her because she's the reason I had to get put into the orphanage, if she would have just raised me, I'm pretty sure I would be a lot different from the girl I am now.

"Well we talked for a while and she wants to meet you." I narrowed my eyes, "Good, because you can go on the internet and tell her that I don't want anything to do with her." I snapped before jumping off of my bed, "Katrina, I know what she did to you was wrong but she is your mother."

Tears welled up in my eyes and I turned around to face him, "She may have given birth to me, she may have carried me for nine months, but she's NOT MY MOTHER! A real mother would never leave her baby no matter what, she didn't think before having sex with you! Which resulted in me, leaving me to suffer for 10 years! 10 whole years!"

My body started trembling when I thought of all the memories Katy and I shared, there weren't that many, but each one would tell a loving story for sure. "Katy's my mother, so she may have forgotten about me but I know something caused her to forget about me! She loves me and she proved it within a week when you had ten whole years to prove it!"

"I'm proving it right now, and don't you dare yell at me Katrina!" He warned, pointing a finger at me. It took everything to not bark at him right there, he didn't raise me for a single day, he has no rights to yell at me! But I couldn't control my emotions, "I want my mom!" I cried before running towards the window, and without thinking, I jumped out. It hurt like hell, but I didn't care. I know I'm in LA right now but who knows where Katy could be?

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