Chapter 41: Finale

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Banca's P.O.V.

I've been sitting on this hotel bed for the past 30 minutes with Demi and Miranda just outside of this room shouting, I swear this is just pure torture. I finally had just about enough of it, so I got up and pushed the door open, making them both shut up immediately.

"Look Demi, I'm..." I began, but she sighed and grabbed my arm, dragging me back inside. "Your parents were never supposed to find out about this, the disguise Miranda created for you was perfect, why did you take it off and have the guts to kiss one of the paparazzi guys?" She yelled slamming the door.

The only reason why I might be the slightest of enjoying this is the fact that Demi Lovato is yelling at me, I'm just not myself today. "After all these centuries of celebrities, no one has dared to even be physical with any of them! Yet you had the guts to sing a backfiring song at them then kiss them? What the hell were you thinking Bianca Elizabeth Mayer?"

Holy crap, she dropped my full name. She sighed heavily before pacing around the room at double her original speed. "I still can't believe this, what is going to happen? Your mom won't answer any of my calls, we were great friends! Now that she found out I secretly helped you escape from her, we might not be anymore!"

"Demi, my mom doesn't want me anymore. I just got off the phone with her and she says she doesn't care what I do anymore." Well that definitely didn't help calm her nerves down, "I wouldn't be too surprised, you made a scene in front of the cameras! You're on headlines, you..."

She was cut off by the door swinging open, revealing a very, very exhausted and unhappy looking Miranda. "Katy's here with John, they're at the lobby." My mouth dropped open, and the next thing I knew, I darted for the window. But both of the women ran forward and grabbed my arms.

Miranda pinned me to the hotel bed as Demi stood up straightly, "Why are they here?" She asked breathless, I can be quite the handful at times. "They want to talk to Bianca, but they didn't look mad for some weird reason." That's when I scoffed, "She doesn't look mad???? She was the one that practically ended our mother daughter relationship!" I screamed.

That's when the door opened, and everyone froze right on the spot. Mom and dad were standing in the threshold, mom had the most confused look on her face. That's when I realized that there was a grown woman sitting on top of me, pinning my arms on the mattress.

Then her eyes shifted to Demi, her eyes were so full of anger and hatred. Miranda slowly got off of me as I sat up straight. "You knew about this and you allowed her to fly to London and practically live with you, without telling me? She's my fucking daughter!" Mom yelled.

Dad grabbed her waist when she inched towards Demi, "Don't shout at her, you were the one who ended our relationship!" I screamed, but instantly regretted it deeply. Because her cold eyes locked onto my fearful ones, but oddly enough, she chose to ignore it.

Never mind, she didn't. "Imagine if you were me, you killed yourself three times for your daughter hoping she would have a chance of living a better life. And when she does, this is what you get? Every single moment of my life I've been worried about you, crashing in an airplane, searching for you! Then trying to just be there for you?" Mom snapped.

"I did want to end our relationship because you brought me so much pain, Bianca. I've never experience this much pain, not even when I was giving birth to you. I told the doctors to save your life and take away mine, since only one of us had the slimmest chance of surviving. I gave myself up for you, not even knowing if you'd survive or not."

"Okay Katy, you need to chill." Dad said seriously, mom snapped her head around to face him, "Or else what?" She snapped, "Or else I'm not going to talk to you for the rest of the day." She stopped talking and rolled her eyes, "Are you gonna chill now?" He asked, "Yes." She muttered quietly.

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