Chapter 28: Magical forces

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John's P.O.V.

Bianca must be so mad at me, I can't believe Abby brainwashed me last night and I actually left my own daughter to be with that bitch. The worst thing is that I think I actually "made love" with her. I quickly slammed my car door and rushed inside the house.

"Shannon??" I yelled, that's when I realized that her car wasn't even here. Fuck, I told her to watch over Bianca! Well hopefully Allison lived up to her promise, but most likely not. I ran up the stairs and and swung open Bianca's door, surprise, no Bianca!

I buried my head into my palms and couldn't stop sighing. Great, now I've let down my daughter, broke my promise to Katy, and lost her best friend. I grabbed my phone and dialed Shannon's number, thankfully she picked up:


J: I'm at my house, oh God I really fucked things up.

S: I saw.

J: Saw what?

S: Abby's front door was unlocked so I let myself in and there you were, you guys were doing it. So I spent the rest of the night circling around Los Angeles, now I have no fucking clue where I am.

J: Oh God.

S: You really let down your daughter and Katy, lying to Bianca about going to the studio then secretly touching another woman. I knew from the beginning that that woman was not good.

J: Where is Bianca?

S: God John she's in the house, I left her to search for you! Wait, if you're in the she not there??

J: She isn't with you, where the fuck did she go?

S: She was already worn out enough last night, she must have woken up in the middle of the night and found me missing. She didn't come searching for me did she, great see what you did? You got a search crew coming your way.

J: You know what I gotta find her.

S: Pff, good luck with that.

I was so frustrated with her that I couldn't even think straight, did I just lost my daughter that I watched grow up? Does she hate me, will she ever forgive me? Well, there's only one way to find out.

Bianca's P.O.V.

"Bianca, no offense or anything, but that's the second gallon of ice cream you've eaten..." Luke said very carefully, I turned my head around and gave him the death glare before turning back to face the TV. Watching Pretty Little Liars and freezing your heart out by eating ice cream after you just lost your mother another time.

"Well I'm not getting you another gallon, the cashier is starting to think I'm going nuts." Oh no he did not, I may be living under his roof, but not this way. "Are you saying I'm going nuts?" I dug a large spoon of vanilla ice cream and flung it onto his face.

Score! "Bianca, you know I didn't mean it like that." He said wiping it off, "Ugh I just wanna cry!" I screamed, I've been in this mood for the past 6 hours. And if Luke doesn't go crazy soon, I'm gonna go crazy.

"Bianca, I know you got really hurt tonight, but you're doing a lot better than I would have. If my mom suddenly showed up after 16 years, I would have probably fainted back there." His mom died four years after birth to him as well. So at least he got to experience some mother love, even if he can't remember, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I smiled gently, "Thanks, but I don't know, I'm a female and I need a mom by my side. And my second mom ditched me last night, so yep, there goes my wonderful life!" I harshly shoved another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth and almost froze my brain.

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