Chapter 31: My little girl

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Bianca's P.O.V.

"We are going to be in so much trouble, I can't believe I let you talk me into this within a minute!" Allison said as we got settled into our seats on mom's private jet, "Well, I'm going to be in more trouble once she finds out that I took her private jet." I smirked.

Allison buried her head between her palms, "I can't believe you Bianca Elizabeth Mayer, I'm done for." She said throwing her hands up into the air. I giggled as my phone started ringing, "Looks like you're going to be in more trouble than I am sooner lol."

K: You have exactly one minute to explain what the hell you were thinking Bianca, running away to UCLA on my private jet? Do you know how worried I am right now?

B: Mom calm down, I just realized that everything in our family fell apart because of me. So I'm headed to UCLA right now so I can tell Katrina how sorry I am, because of me, she lost you. And because of me, dad lost you, and because of me again, the world lost Katy Perry.

I started tearing up, but I couldn't break in front of mom, I want her to think of me as strong. I am strong because I grew up without the love of a mom, I'm stronger than most girls my age, even boys, mentally. I love mom so much, I really treasure her, I never want to have a single argument with her.

You may think I'm weird, but I actually like getting yelled at by her, it shows that she cares about me. So to some weird extent, I'm actually glad I ran away, even though I might get grounded for like ever, but it'll be all worth it.

K: Sweetie, you know that's not true.

B: I just want Katrina to forgive me, I know you meant a lot to her and she's been through so much. I really love you mommy, I'm sorry I had to run away. But I knew that if I told you you wouldn't let me see her. I know Katrina doesn't like me, but I like my only sister.

K: Bianca, just be safe okay? I'm going to try and get to her house as soon as possible and we can meet there alright honey?

B: Okay mom, I will, bye.

K: Bye baby girl.

I smiled when she called me baby girl, I'm her baby girl. "She didn't get mad at me, although she did call me by my full name." I smiled to Allison, who pretended to gasp. "Katy Perry called you by your full name, you must have been in some trouble then." She joked.

"You should have heard the way she said my name, it was frightening. She's on her way, I don't know how but I'm sure we'll find out in the next minute or two on the news." The paparazzi are everywhere, I'm not even joking. They hide behind the bushes in front of our house and secretly take photos of us.

Which is my explanation for why I have my curtains closed all the time, I almost died once in my own room because of the lack of fresh oxygen. I've never once in my entire life opened my window, I'm like Rapunzel basically.

"Oh look, Katy Perry appears in LAX with on and off boyfriend John Mayer! Holy crap Bianca, your parents are back together again! Look, your mom is cuddled to your dad's side and your dad's arm is around her waist!" I couldn't believe my ears or eyes.

I grabbed her phone and screamed, "My mom and dad really are back together, they really are." I couldn't help it when tears flooded my eyes, then the next thing I knew, I started crying real hard. Allison gathered me in her arms and rocked me gently, my mommy and daddy are back together again.

My family just might go back to normal, "Attention passengers, 20 minutes until landing, please stay seated until further notice." The captain said through the intercom. I didn't move, I didn't want to move either, I was so happy that all the muscles in my body just froze.

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