Chapter 6: A lifetime decision

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Well you are looking a bit better on social media now." Tam said handing me a glass of water, I've been laying on the hotel bed for the past two hours, and I seemed lifeless. I muttered I don't care into my pillow, but even I couldn't understand myself.

I felt so horrible for yelling at them like that, and leaving John to raise Kat on his own. "Katy you have gotten to stop putting such terrible thoughts into your head, stop torturing yourself babe." Tam comforted, "We got you some pizza and fries, they're on the table, you gotta eat."

I groaned, not wanting to do anything. "I still don't get why they can't come with me, you know I don't do well in these long-distance relationships!" I cried, throwing the covers off of myself. She widened her eyes and backed up, "Katrina needs to be with her mother and I need to be with John, don't you want any of us to be happy?"

She sighed and took a long, desperate look at Brad. "Well if bringing them here means that you can focus more on performing better, then I suppose it wouldn't hurt...?" I squealed and threw my arms around her, "Oh my goodness thank you, I'm gonna call them right now!" I can't believe it, my babies are gonna be with me!

J: Kate are you alright, did something happen, it's like 2 in the morning!

K: Calm down babe everything great, Tamra agreed that you and Kat could fly over!

J: Wait really?

K: I'm not kidding, when can you guys book a flight?

J: First thing tomorrow, wow Kat is going to be so happy! I'll see you soon babe, sleep tight!

"Now eat your so called dinner." Tam instructed before walking out of my room, my man and babe are coming tomorrow!

John's P.O.V.

Kat and I just landed in the big Tokyo airport, I looked over at her. "Are you ready to see Katy?" I asked, squeezing her hand gently, she nodded. "Katy really misses you, she almost cried last night." Kat smiled and grabbed her belongings as I did mine.

My face broke out into a huge smile when I saw Katy and her crew standing there waiting for us, Kat dropped everything and ran into Katy's awaiting arms. Brad came over and helped me with our suitcases as I gave him a man hug before walking over to Katy.

"I missed you so much." I said planting my lips onto hers, I've missed those ruby red lips so much. I wrapped my arms around her as she buried her head into my chest, "I love you so much babe, more than you could ever imagine." She whispered before kissing me again.

Then she wrapped an arm around Kat and we walked through the paparazzi, I held a firm grip on her waist the entire time. If anyone dared to touch her, they won't live to see the next sunrise. Kat was struggling to keep up with us, so I bent down and picked her up.

I helped them into the limo and followed them, "How are you holding up?" I asked Katy, "To be honest, terrible. But now that you guys are here, I'm sure I'm going to get a lot better." I smiled and kissed her, "You don't have to be this hooked onto me." I joked.

"How could I not, you're so attractive and sexy." She was blushing beet red colour right now, she was gorgeous and beautiful. There's not another woman on this planet that could beat her beauty, she's the only woman I would ever want to kiss, ever want to hold or touch, no one else.

My heart belongs to her and that won't ever change, I'm thinking about proposing soon, because we are a family now. We have a beautiful daughter, and I'm sure that proposing would be the correct next step in our lives.

She chuckled when Kat started wiggling herself into Katy, how is she not adorable? "Hey sweetie, what did you guys do the past week?" Kat giggled as Katy wrapped an arm around her, it's been a crazy week, and when I say crazy, I'm not joking.

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