Chapter 38: Adding oil to a dying fire

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Shannon's P.O.V.

"Where did Katy and Bianca go?" I asked suddenly, stopping the argument. I swear that John and I can't get along together, or we're both really good actors that we can't get along. "Goodness they must have left, I'm gonna call them." While he was doing that, I realized something.

I ran up to him and snatched the phone out of his hand and ended the call, "What the heck Shannon?" He said throwing his hands up, "Don't what the heck me Mayer, you may be married to my best friend, but you still can't what the heck me, only Perry can.

"Let Katy spend some alone time with Bianca! Who the heck knows when those two might be alone again." I said, he nodded and I handed him his phone back. "We drove here in the same car, so basically we're abandoned." I face palmed myself really quick.

"We both have money on us right, we can just flag down a taxi, its not that hard." I said like duh, who wouldn't know that? "So we're flagging a taxi and going on, boo you're boring Woodward." He said as I waved one down, "To central mall please." I replied.

"Now girl say what?" I looked up stupidly at the ceiling for a few seconds, "We can't give him your really address, and plus, I don't wanna go home. We're both famous, giving a taxi driver our address isn't too safe. Goodness how stupid are you today!"

Well that got me a punch...

Katy's P.O.V.

I smiled happily as I watched my daughter look around Sephora, she was so beautiful. I can't believe that just in two years she's going to leave me, she'll start her own family and we will barely have anytime together. So I had to enjoy what I had now.

"Mom!" She yelled, I just have been daydreaming again. "Yeah babe?" I asked walking over to her, she was holding a palette of eyeshadow, the Demi one to be exact. "I know this is a lot to ask, but could I Demi one day?" A smile found its way to my face, she's a little Lovatic.

"You know I heard she's going to Sacramento in a few days, how about we fly there and I get you VIP and a meet and greet, if you get on my good side, maybe even backstage passes." I teased, Demi is one of my really good friends, she knows Bianca pretty well, except Bianca doesn't know that Demi watched her for a few months when I first passed away.

She's a lot closer to her than she would dare to imagine, I swear she called her mom for a few times, well, that's what Shannon told me. I wonder how she's doing with John, those two idiots never get along, not even joking. "Can I really, oh my goodness I get to meet Demi Lovato!" She screamed.

"I'm sure she'll love to meet you too, are you gonna give me that or what?" I said pointing to the eyeshadow, "Oh right sorry, here." She handed me the makeup and once I unfinished paying, we walked outside and I was instantly shoved against the wall by teenage girls, literally.

"Can we please get an autograph oh my goodness we are your biggest fans!" The oldest one screamed, I chuckled and signed all their photos of me. "Oh, I see you've been to the concerts in Tokyo!" I say to her, seeing the ticket in her bag.

"Yeah, it was so awesome! So awesome that I never even threw away the ticket lol." Awww she's so cute, so I wrapped her in a quick embrace, I loved them so much. "You're so sweet, I'm so glad that I met you guys!" They thanks me and after another quick hug, walked away.

I smiled as I watched them leave, I still can't believe I gave up my career for Bianca, how much I miss my Katycats and being stupid onstage like I always do. But she's my daughter and I love her, as long as she's happy. "Well Bianca, I got a sense of Katy Perry again." I chuckled.

When I heard nothing, "Bianca?" I turned around and instantly, my heart started beating triple its original speed, she wasn't there. "Bianca, Bianca where are you?" After searching for a while around that area in the mall, I pulled out my phone and tried calling and texting her, but she wouldn't answer.

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