Chapter 8: Falling

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Orlando..." I muttered as his hands trailed up to my waist, I'm going to be honest, it took quite a lot to break away from him. "You're forgiven, but you really need to leave now. I can't put my marriage at risk again." I said with a small smile.

"But Katy, you're seriously going to kick me away this fast? I flew all the way from LA to here, I'm jet-lagged." He begged, taking my hand in his. I sighed, not knowing what to do. "You can't stay with me, you're free to stay in Australia I'm not sending you back to LA or anything, you just can't be seen with me."

"I love you, Katy. Even if your heart belongs to someone else right now, I just wanted you to know." Tears filled his eyes as I just stared at him, this can't be happening again, I can't do this to John. But something in my mind keeps telling me otherwise.

The way he had tears in his eyes, and the way how he said he loves me, why does everything sound so familiar? "Umm, how's Flynn doing?" I asked, trying to make this a bit less awkward. He stood and smiled, "Oh he's just being him, he misses his mother though." This made me feel really bad, I couldn't imagine not having a mother as a child, that's the worst thing ever.

"Does he still get to see her though?" I asked sipping on a glass of ice water, the stupid air conditioning is broken and it's so hot in here. "He wants her, but she doesn't want to see him. She says that Flynn has my blood and she doesn't want anything to do with him anymore." I spat out the water in my mouth and started choking.

He immediately rushed to my side and gently rubbed my back, his touch made my legs instantly go weak. "How could a mother say such things?!" I gasped, finally able to stand up straight again. He chucked as I turned around to face him, poor baby. Oh my goodness my daughter, I haven't seen her all day!

"Orlando this has been really sweet of you, but I've gotten to get back to my daughter now." I said grabbing my bags, "Will I see you again?" I sighed and shut my eyes, "You have my number, don't you?" I said with a small smile on my face. "Okay, I'll text you tomorrow, sleep well Katy." I nodded and walked into the hallway as he walked the opposite way.

Holy shit, this is exactly how everything started last time. Well I'm not falling for Bloom this time, he's ruined me once and he's not ruining me again. More shit, 5 missed calls and 10 missed texts from John, he must be so worried right now:

K: John I'm so sorry I missed your calls and texts.

J: It's alright baby, I would have gotten to you by now but I'm stuck in traffic, it's always crazy out here after each concert.

K: I know, I'm just that good. So good that the people in California would fly over to Tokyo to see me babe.

J: Yeah whatever, anyways, I'll be there really soon are you going to be okay?

K: Um yeah, I'll be waiting inside the hallways okay?

J: Ok, see you soon, bye!

I let out a loud, terrified scream when I felt a hand on my waist. I snapped my head around to see Orlando, "Geez, you sure know how to creep up on people you idiot." I said slapping his shoulder pretty hard, he touched and scared me.

I groaned and started walking towards the exit when he grabbed my hand, "Katy look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I rolled my eyes and turned to face him, "Well you sure did, you're going to have to do way better than this to get near me again, now if you'll excuse me."

Yes, finally something rude came out of my mouth. Then again, I don't have anywhere else to go since the paparazzi are waiting at every corner outside. "Look I'm sorry, it's just been a really stressful day for me, I haven't seen my daughter for a whole day and I just miss her a lot."

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